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Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Watchmen: The End Is Nigh Review

The End is nigh takes place years before the events of the movie, and follows Rorschach and Nite Owl. The game includes both parts 1 and 2. The Game is bloody/gory/very detailed. The Combat flows so perfect with the characters. And the actors from the film well only the two lend there voices with the characters. The Story is really good, you go around beating the hell out of people to find answers, and have a fun time doing it! The OST thru-out the game is perfect really fits whats going on. The Thugs do get redundant after awhile, but all-well so i say Buy this game, i give it a 7/10 Bye!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


SO ive had it for a while now, add me cause im on almost everyday its vaver16 so ADD ME!!!!!

PS2 No More!

Well, the 2nd week of September i traded in my PS2 at gamestop and got store credit and put it on the card. The next week i went back to gamestop and traded in all my games some 24, got over 100bucks, and picked up GTA IV. The rest went on my card. Now i dont have my Ps2. But come this Friday i will be getting the new PS3 Slim. And i cant wait!! I already have six games, which are.

2. Watchmen The End Is Nigh: Complete Experience
3. Dark Sector
4. Battlefield: Bad Company
5. Saints Row 2
6. Motorstorm

I didnt actually plan on getting 6 but they were all cheap and fun games, now i just have to wait to the system but its only 3 days away!!!