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Monday, January 11, 2010

Spider-Man No More

Well today gave me bad news. I read that Spider-Man 4 is done for, never going to happen. Instead the company is going to do a RE-boot of the franchise, with an all new cast and characters. Well sounds like a good idea, BUT WHY!!!!!!!!!! The new spider-man movie is going to hit theaters 2012. I mean i could see them doing a reboot but say 10 years down the road or even 20. not 2 years. The new SM movie is going to take place during Peter's high school years. Which could be like Ultimate Spider-Man. But it wont. Awhile ago before SM4 was rumored i figured if they don't make one allwell. If they do make one then they have to have all the cast come back (minus the dead ones) but nooooooo a fucking reboot. Marvel you suck!!!!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Nintendo Wii

Hello everybody!! On friday which is tomorrow, I will be going to best buy and getting a Nintendo Wii, yay! ^_^ . In my opinion which is almost fact, the Wii is the best System out there you can buy!!! Till then!