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Thursday, March 31, 2011


Yes, I am still very much alive. Been busy with, stuff mainly. Had a very bad and sad couple weeks, mainly involving friends. I didn't loose one, but she's giving me a massive silent treatment, which I do not like, it feels like things are over between us, but Oh well...

And yes, I'm on Part 2. Chapter 4 of, Star Wars: Rise of the Jedi. Chapter 4 is actually a two parter. Why not right? So far the story is going very well, just taking me longer than I thought, but I can't write anything when my head is to clouded. When ever it's clear and in a good state of mind, i start writing again. Hence why it's taking longer. But, It's still all coming together!!! So, hang in there for more updates...

I haven't seen that many new movies, but, last week, I did see. Sucker Punch, awesomely epic movie by the way!!

PS. For more updates about my story and other stories I'm working on, follow me on twitter.