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Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Battle Royale

The 3-B class of a High School is selected to participate in a very deadly game. When unemployment rates rose to 15% millions became out of work, teenagers started becoming very dangerous, enough so that the government passed a new law, stating that kids in 7th grade are required to play, "BR" or "Battle Royale". The object of the game is that, there are 42 students, while playing they all have to kill each other within just three days, or the bracelet around there neck, to know where they are and monitor them, will simply, explode. There also can only be one winner, the winner will be given much money, fame, ect.. The film mainly follows Shuya Nanahara, one of the students of the class, watching him with his friend go around the island trying to survive and trying to find any friend that won't betray and kill him.

I was completely impressed with this film, I have never seen a better, more sick twisted film before, never!

The acting was very good, all of the actors totally gave this film there all, and them some more! Giving you very real emotions.

Story-line of the film was also just fantastic (since it was based on the book of the same name) leaving you with many twist and turns, and very suspenseful, bloody scenes. This movie is based on the book, which I've read half of, and was very happy that the movie stayed true to the book with following the story, only thing really different was how the game came to be, but that's no big deal.

Soundtrack was also very good, was a nice darker tune throughout the film, also having some oddly happy sounding tunes for intense scenes, making the scene that much more, twisted.

Only around 1-2 actors looked familiar, mainly just the main actors, but that's not a problem, since all of the actors did a very, very good job in this film. This film also marks the most twisted film I've ever seen, instantly getting on my number 1 list of favorite film of all time.

Nothing about this movie was bad, which was great, it was slow, it wasn't to short so no story could develop,  acting was good. Just everything about this film was amazing. I must warn though, if you can't stand blood or killing, which this movie is nothing about, you probably won't like it.

I give, Battle Royale, _-10/10-_
Battle Royale II: Requiem 
Review coming soon!