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Sunday, October 7, 2012


In 2074 time travel is possible, but soon after it's discovery it's quickly outlawed and only criminals use it to send back people to the past only to get killed by "Loopers". Loopers kill the people who come back to the past with bars of silver strapped to there back as payment for the Looper. When Joe is on a job when he encounters his older self from 50 years in the future, his future self quickly disarms and flee's in past self in search of Rainmaker, a very powerful person sent  to the past from the future to take over area's. Future Joe travels back 50 years to track down the Rainmaker and kill him before he grows up. Younger Joe is on the hunt of Future self in trying to kill is Future self.

Yes the plot was shortened as a lot of stuff happened within the 2 hour film that I didn't want to spoil for everyone.

This film was just down right amazing, I'm not that big of a fan of Bruce Willis but him in this film was perfect to get him in better movies. I must say this was the best science fiction movie I've seen in a very, very long time. For once it's rated R and not a rushed tween movie that is full of BS.

The acting was just great from all the actors, I especially loved the story, was a very solid and perfect story to fulfill my science fiction needs. Joseph Gordon-Levitt was just amazing in the film, he really pulled off a younger version of Bruce Willis, there just couldn't of been a better actor for the lead. Also good actors were Emily Blunt who played the mother of Cid, though her role was minor, she still pulled of a great job. Jeff Daniels also did a very good job at being the boss type roll.

The effects were surprisingly great, towards the end they really show off there CGI skills and I was totally impressed. Soundtrack also wasn't all that bad, giving a sci-fi kinda sound throughout the whole film, wasn't bad.

If you need a worthy science fiction film to see, then I absolutely recommend that everyone see this film.

I give, Looper, 8/10
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