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Thursday, December 13, 2012

Alter Egos

After the government cut off funding for Superheroes, the Superheroes have been kind of outcasts of the city. "Fridge" starts to have a midlife crisis when he discovers his girlfriend is having an affair, with his alter ego. "C-Thru" Fridge's friend, plans on setting him up as the villain so that the government will have reason to further fund the Superheros. Fridge's love life keeps getting more complicated when he confronts his girlfriend with a new girl he met, while being his alter ego.

Yes, the plot was that short. Total run time was only around 80 minutes, so it was kind of sped up.

I did like that this was an independent film, I'm starting to like more and more "indie" films lately, and with it being "Superhero" themed, catch'd my attention.

There was only the 2 main heroes, with 1 villain, with a handful of others only being shown on TV shows/clips. Was very small compared to some other ones.

Yet, I did like the story of it, most of it was bland and very quiet and only took place in 1 day. And if it wasn't for the story, I would of logged of netflix and went to sleep. The acting was so-so (to me) the only good actor to really stick out was John Ventimiglia who played "Shrink" the main villain in the film. The others were good, "C-Thru" I've seen in a few other films in the past, but with the others, were all novices to me. 

I give, Alter Egos; _6/10_