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Saturday, July 19, 2008

The Dark Knight: Review

hey everyone, earlier today i saw The Dark Knight, and WOW, this movie is a must see, The Joker steals the show, i really loved how creepy/dark/twisted/funny/gross/evil the joker was, i really thought that Batman was going to give up or die, so much stuff happened in the movie, first he goes, she dies, he becomes two-face, alot of shit happened, makes this easily the darkest Batman movie there is, all i can say is, i cant wait till the third batman movie, awhile back Bale did confirm that he will play batman in 3 or more movies, and i cant wait to see who's going to be the villan. Two-face in the movie was so creepy, but awesome, they did that really good, and i loved the new bat suit they gave him as well, this movie is a must see for all Batman fans, this movie i HOPE will win an Oscar for something, so what are you waiting for, SEE THE MOVIE my vote 10/10 must see movie of the year

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