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Wednesday, December 9, 2009

American Pie: Book Of Love

Hello again, i just got done watching the newest movie in the long going series, which i thought was dead since there wasn't a new one for a whole year...wrong. The story after a fire in the library a student ( trying not to say names ) find "The Bible" which is the sex bible, but is mangled and cant read the words and try's to make it again, and through a series of fucked up events they manage to remake the book from the original maker! The story is mediocre at best. The actors could have been a lot worse but they did an OK job at getting the main cast. There is a good amount of chicks getting topless, which was really the only thing that made it possible to watch. A few old childhood actors even made some cameos including ( Screech from Saved by the bell, hell even the douche bag Kevin Federline was in the movie which made me think, this movie is even more low budget than i thought. In the very beginning of the movie it was looking like they were remaking the first American pie, where three friends set out to have sex! yes this movie is only based on one thing sex...Just like the previous six, this one is no different! If you have your heart set out on seeing this movie, then RENT it, don't ever buy this movie. At best i give this movie a 4/10 a D-. And thats at best. Till next time.

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