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Monday, November 29, 2010

Avatar Extended Edition Review

Well, Here it is. The Review of the Extended Edition of Avatar. Note- This review is for the Extended one, not the Re-Release version ( that will happen at another time) so, got it?

This is the new 3 hour cut of the amazing movie, Avatar. Everything you want, plus 16 minutes of even more movie. I only had one problem. The new scenes were so small, that you almost needed to watch the Theatrical Cut first then this one, to see the differences. But, there is a little bonus feature, where if you just want to see the new scenes you can. So it's more clear as to which scenes are new. Which helps.
The new scenes in the movie really made the movie come to life and make it like a whole new movie.

This collectors edition comes with three versions of the movie, plus over like 4 hours of behind the scenes of EVERYTHING avatar. Which is awesome. Months ago i did buy the regular 2disk edition of Avatar, just because I loved the movie, and was very disappointed that there was not one bonus feature. But now we have not 1 but 2 blu ray disks full of bonus features, and the wait was well worth it.

The only thing i want to know, is that. Is the extended the same as the Re-Release just with more movie, or a new thing by it self. I guess I'll know when i get to watching it.

The Re-Release will be up to, to give my opinions of it all, kind of like this one, not really a review on the movie, but more of a review of what you get when you buy the Blu Ray edition of it.

So I give Avatar Extended Edition on Blu Ray a nice
If you like avatar then this will not disappoint you at all.

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