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Saturday, July 30, 2011

Captain America: The First Avenger

Steve Rogers has always wanted to be in the Army and help fight, but due to having a laundry list of medical problems, and being only 90 pounds, he's been rejected five times, but never gave up trying to get in.
 After meeting, Dr. Abraham Erskine he gets the chance to become a "super solider" and help them fight in the war. After the experiment, He soon becomes, Captain America, but with the rise of a Hero, must come the rise of a villain.
    Johann Schmidt is in command of the organization, HYDRA,   who is searching for a mythical power said to be hidden on the earth, which holds unimaginable power. 
   Captain America soon finds out that his friend was in a mission where most got killed which sends him over seas to do a search and rescue mission, after finding hundreds of supposedly dead soliders he meets, Red Skull. The two face off, somewhat, and now Captain America know's that he must try to defeat Red Skull before he plans on destroying many major cities. 

Can we say amazing? Because Captain america was the best marvel film I've seen since I first saw, Spider-Man in theaters. Granted all the Marvel films were good, with the exception of a few, like, Daredevil. Over the years Marvel films have been getting better and this one, is the best one in my opinion. 

The story was very strong and very interesting, as it took place during WWII and it had a lot of actual historical references in it like, HYDRA and trying to use mythological powers to try to win. The story didn't have any holes or any weak points. Very well done story.

The acting couldn't of been better! All the actors in the film did a very good job at portraying the part, I especially like that we got to see, Howard Stark, and his, World of Tomorrow. It was amazing to see. Chris Evans as Captain America was very good, I couldn't really see another actor play him as good, I really loved the costume design, and well, seeing him throw his shield was epic. Hugo Weaving playing, Red Skull looked incredibly like the comic book version. I didn't see any CGI on him, so I guessed that they used prosthetic's on his face to make more of a realistic look.

This was just a great film to see. Soundtrack wise was also epic. They really did a wonderful job at putting together fantastic music to a fantastic film. I'm thinking about buying the soundtrack, I liked it that much. The effects were very well done. Seeing laser guns and laser tanks, and very awesome flying machine was very cool looking. Seeing the shield beeing thrown like a boomerang was exciting to watch.

I must say, if your a fan of Captain America or a Marvel fan, or just a super-hero fan, this film shouldn't be missed, alot of good acting, crazy good CGI, and a very good soundtrack, kept me almost on the edge of my seat. 

There also is a end-credit scene, which I never talk about cause it's to much of a spoiler, but this is the only exception I'll make as, it's not a spoiler. At the end you get the see a 30second teaser trailer to, The Avengers, which comes out, May 2012. I am very much looking forward to it. 

I give, Captain America. 8/10 

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Road Trip

Barry is giving a tour of, Ithaca College. When the tour starts getting boring, he tells the people of a great story that took place. Josh has had a girlfriend since he was around 8, but when Josh and his girlfriend, Tiffany went to two different schools, things got a little confused. Josh met a new girl, who was just friends, but the girl, Beth wanted more. Josh sends Tiffany weekly video tapes of updates and what not. After a party Josh and Tiffany hook up, and spice it up by recording it. Josh's friends, send the wrong tape to Tiffany. Now it's up to, Josh, E.L, Rubin, Kyle to go to Tiffany's school in Texas to retrieve the tape before she see's it. On there road trip, they experience a car being blow up, going to a national black college and lying to them, With even more crazy stuff happening, Josh doesn't think he'll make it back in time for his big test.

I've gotta say, this film was actually funny. The acting was good, with actors that you may recognize. Which is always a good thing.

Cast was just perfect for this film, all funny actors just being super funny. The story really made it that much more funny, with a few twist's and turns make a good fun movie.

There was a sequel a few years ago, which wasn't that bad, but it wasn't that funny either, it was trying to hard to be like the first, and it just kind of failed.

If your looking for just a fun film with good actors and a decent story with good humor, this is the one for you.

I give, Road Trip. 7/10

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Wednesday, July 13, 2011


John is a single guy living on his own, who has been divorced for 7 years and his ex-wife is still best friends with him. His ex-wife (Jamie) tells him she's getting married and he's upset, and ends up going to a party with Jamie and her new boyfriend, Tim. John ends up getting drunk at the party and soon meets, Molly. John and Molly spend the night together and she sneaks outs, John follows her, wondering where she has to go so early in the morning. Not soon later, John meets Cyrus, Molly's son. John and Cyrus start talking and very, very soon John moves in with the two. Cyrus is doing everything in his power to make John go away to have Molly all to himself. A-lot of awkward moments happen as Cyrus keeps pursuing John to move out and forget about them.

Well, this film actually wasn't that bad, the acting was good, the actors were recognizable. And the music throughout the film weren't that bad.

The story was strong at keeping my interest, the odd and dry humor was kind of funny. You could tell this was kind of an indy film, or IFC type of film. But, still not bad.

There could of been more actors in the film, the cast is only 5 people, so very small. Yet, it worked for this movie.

I Give, Cyrus. 6/10

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Friday, July 8, 2011

Transformers: Dark of the Moon

We return for the final installment in the popular series, Transformers.

In Dark of the Moon, we open in the 1960's, years before we went to the moon. NASA found that something big landed on the moon and they rushed to the moon to find out what it is. Years later they discover that is a huge alien ship, that's been deserted. Sam is now living with his new girlfriend, Carly. Sam has been struggling to find a job, after a few bad interviews he lands a job. Shorty after, around 2 days, a decepticon got inside of his home and tried to kill them, after having almost a mid-life crisis, he leaves with his girlfriend to go see Bumblebee and Optimus Prime, to warm them that there back. Megatron and a few of his minions are somewhere in the middle east, plotting to kill Sam, and takeover the world. Megatron gets the clever plan to set up fake truths and convince the Autobots that they need to goto the moon and try to recover, Sentinel Prime, an old Prime that was once in command before Optimus was. A few autobots goto the moon and bring back Sentinel Prime and use the Matrix of Leadership to restore the energon in him. Sentinel agree's to help them in restoring peace in the world and help fight against the Decepticons. Megatron goes to Washington and with help of other decepticons use the Pillars to create a transport from Cybertron to Earth, to bring all of the other depcepticons, to start a war. After hundreds of decepticons come to earth, Megatron tells them to start war, and they start destroying everything in sights, including people. Optimus Prime and the rest of the Autobots go to fight the war, meanwhile, Megatron triggers the other transport to bring, Cybertron to earth to insure safety to all other robots. A massive battle begins and there's a lot of robot on robot action.

This film was just incredible. We finally get to see a huge war between robots and just disaster caused by the Decepticons. Acting in this film was actually better than the previous films, probably because this is the last in the series, sadly..

Story was very strong and interesting to see a few good ones turn on Autobots. Music in this was alittle better as-well, serving more of a war style soundtrack especially towards the end scenes. The effects (CGI) was even better to, making it the best looking transformers film in the series. Just makes it even that much better.

This film also doesn't have, Megan Fox in it aswell, they kind of hinted at how they broke up, but just somewhat. The new girl, Rosie Huntington-Whiteley isn't replacing Megan's role, but adding a new role completely. I actually liked Rosie's role better than Megan's. kind of saying a lot. 

This is by far the most action packed film in the series and shouldn't be missed if your a big fan. Sadly this is the final installment in the series. But, I heard a rumor ( hopefully true) that there will be another transformers film, but not a 4th, but just another in the world, with one of my favorite actors as the lead role, Jason Statham, will maybe be replacing, Shia's role as lead Actor. 

I give, Transformers: Dark of the Moon. 9/10

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Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen

Anticipated sequel to the very much epic, Transformers.

Optimus Prime goes into more detail of how long they've been on earth and more of there history. Sam is now in college, and before he says goodbye, he discovers that a little shard of The Cube still with him, and looking at it, images get implanted into his brain. He gives the shard to his girlfriend, Mikaela who keeps it safe in a vault, only for a smart little decepticon to try to recover it. Sam now is robot free at college, without the help of Bumblebee things may be unsafe for him. Mikaela goes to Sam after capturing the small decepticon. Sam almost gets seduced by an alien robot that can change it's form to human. Sam and Mikaela are now on the run from decepticon's and meet up with Optimus Prime and the other Autobots. Megatron call's his Army to get the shard to give to, The Fallen to defeat Optimus Prime. An epic battle bewtween The Fallen and Megatron happen, cause a sad scene to happen. Sam, Mikaela, and bunch of other people head off to Egypt with the help of, a decepticon that chose to be on the Autobot's side. Once in Egypt they have to find the Matrix Of Leadership, that can bring any robot back to life. The Decepticons assemble, Devestator to help uncover a machine that capable of destroying Suns. Nice race against time, with an epic fight! 

This one was sure worth the wait. Acting was like the previous one, the same. Not any better but not any worse as-well. The story was pretty strong, with even telling more of the history of the robots. Which was nice to see, even though it lasted for all of around 10minutes through out the movie.

We get to see more Autobots maybe just a few different ones, and more different Decepticon's about the same with them to, just a few. But it was nice seeing new ones, all with there own weird personality, and there odd accents. 

Effects (CGI) in the film were even better than the first one, offering some pretty sweet looking robots that look to real to be true. More than half the film was CG, but it looked awesome, can't complain when the CG is top notch. 

Again, like the previous film, the soundtrack is amazing. Offering some heroic tunes throughout the film. Around the time of this release, I found about a film called, Transmorphers, yes it's a crappy Direct to DVD film, that strikes a strange resemblance to Transformers. They did make a sequel to..

Unlike the previous film, it actually felt like, Megan Fox's character actually belonged in the film, instead of having just a hot body on screen. She actually helped with the story and offered some funny bits. 

I give, Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen. 8/10

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Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Blu-Ray Review's coming soon!

Hey guys, Sometime this week I'll be posting Blu-Ray reviews. Not reviewing the movie but, what all comes with it. Then break it down like, bonus features, design, ect... First one will be a huge box-set of a very awesome trilogy. So, Till then!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011


Sam is looking to buy his first car. Sam ends up in a used car lot with his father, after doing some looking, he finds a nice kind of beat up yellow car. When the asking price was to high for the car, magically all the other cars windows burst, and the car is his. Few nights pass after having the car, and the car suddenly drives off by it's self. Sam then pursues the car to some kind of lot. He then sees his car "transform" into something wicked. Cops get wind of it and question if the kid is on drugs. Shortly later S7 arrives at there door to investigate anything out of the ordinary happen. The whole family gets taken from H7 to be questioned, while on the road, all the other autobots arrive to free Sam and his family. The decepticon's plan to get there leader back, all they need is a pair of glasses which give the coordinates to The Cube, which turns all electronics into machine. Same owns the glasses, which were his grandfathers. The Autobots need to get to the cube before the Decepticons or the human race will be in danger.

It was about time they made a live-action Transformer film. I was a huge fan of the show when I was younger and couple decades later, they finally make one.

Acting was decent enough, only couple parts were kind of out of place. Story was pretty epic, keeping everyone's eyes glued till the end scene. Soundtrack to the film was also awesome, having a nice almost war like music, cause well, it was a war.

The effects in the film were just incredible. It really did look as if there was a 30 foot Autobot kicking ass. There was a huge amount of CGI, some movies it's over kill, but with this one, there wasn't enough. At least it looked amazing, and not crappy like most.

All the actors did there part good. I loved all the dorky humor spread out nicely though out the film. Wasn't over the top humor, just enough to make it so, it's not entire dark and serious. They should of really had more Decepticons, I think there was only around 5, but since it was the first in the series, I could see why they didn't.

Only one thing that I saw this time, but not last time. The role of,  Mikaela Banes part just, didn't really fit that well into the story. It was almost a distraction than anything. Megan Fox is an ok actor, but her role could have been easily removed and just had, Sam with no love interest. Would of almost made more sense. 

With that aside, this is a very well done film, which awesome effects, decent acting and a strong story that keeps you hooked.

I give, Transformers. 8/10

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After doing some thought, June's blog is done (for the most part) and July's list is now up.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Behind Enemy Lines

Naval Flight Officer Lieutenant Chris Burnett, Callsign "Longhorn" has been in the Navy being a fighter pilot for sometime now, he figured out that what he's doing, is not what he signed up for, with only two more weeks left till he leaves,  USN Rear Admiral  Leslie McMahon Reigart sends him on a holiday mission, just to do some flying, Burnett and his co-pilot, Jeremy Stackhouse take some digital pictures of what seems to be, terrorist's dressed like the army. When in the air, there plane has been painted and soon shot down by a couple missile's. Once the two have landed, They try to communicate back to base. Bosnian Serb Army scouts out to find the one survivor, also they send tracker to hunt and kill him. The navy tries to do everything they can do bring Burnett back home only to be told they can't by higher authority. Now the hunt is on.

This film was just flat out awesome. The amount of detail in everything was just amazing. The acting couldn't be any better, and the story is what really kept me hooked.

Soundtrack was also really good, providing a nice thriller sound. The film is loosely based on an actual event, but how much is unknown. 

I'm not so much of a war type movie fan, but I'll make an exception for this one. They really made this film feel so real, so alot of emotion of, a guy stranded in Russia, for a few days of fighting to survive, the race against time that was in it was also just amazing. 

It was nice seeing, Owen Wilson play a serious and Navy character, was a nice change. All actors did there part perfectly done. This film I don't think could of been any better!

Also this film did sprout 2 direct-to-dvd sequels. Both don't follow the events of this film, I will be doing at some point those reviews to. 
I give, Behind Enemy Lines. _8/10_

Reviews will still be added to, Junes blog. Till there's 30.
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