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Tuesday, October 26, 2010

The Uninvited

Yes, The first horror/suspense Movie of the week, and I must say. It was a really good one at that.

The movie is about two sisters who live in the same house. The one sister (Arielle Kebbel) is the older sister is very close to the younger sister (Emily Browning). Anna, after the mother dies, goes away to a crazy mental place. To try to become sane.

She returns a few years later to find that, Dad has found a new girl in his life played by (Elizabeth Banks). After seeing her dead mother. She thinks that the new girlfriend is a murderer.

So she decides to do some detective work and try to prove that she is really the murderer and put her away.

The Story of this movie was very well done. Throwing a twist here, another twist there, and a very big twist there. With all the twists and turns it kept my attention very good. With not one ounce of boredom throughout the movie.

I love the whole, horror/suspense/WTF. type movie. This is a re-make but i think they did it very good. But i cant say that much since i never saw the original movie. links will be below.

The acting was pretty good for a shorter movie, with it only being 87minutes long. They crammed a lot in a short amount of time, but it perfect.

This movie actually has good/recognizable actors. If you are looking for a good horror movie, and haven't seen this one yet, then what are you waiting for, SEE IT NOW!!! 

The cast of the movie Below-

Emily Browning as Anna
Arielle Kebbel as Alex
Elizabeth Banks as Rachel
David Strathairn as Steven
Jesse Moss as Matt
Maya Massar as Mom
Kevin McNulty as Sheriff Emery

IMDB link

My final score for _The Uninvited_ is a nice 8/10 for being very suspenseful and awesome.

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