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Thursday, October 28, 2010

The Matrix

Where do I begin? It's the Matrix after all. Do I take the red pill, or take the blue pill and just pretend everything is normal?

The Matrix I have to say, It is one monumental movie, and one very epic trilogy. But for now. I'm only doing the first of 3.

The Matrix, is about a lonely computer hacker (neo) who is desperate to find the truth about The Matrix, and find "Morpheus" The leader of the underground city "Zion".

Soon after getting a phone from Morpheus telling him to run because of the agents, he then meets Trinity. Who takes care of him after Neo gets reborn.

When there not being trouble by "sentinels"  they have to worry about "Agents" who are the bad buys in The Matrix. They decide to Neo on board to see if he can kill The Agents.

One note about entering The Matrix. If you die in The Matrix. You die in real life.

Morpheus has a strong feeling that Neo is " The One" and that he will bring peace and destroy the Machine World.

Lets start off first by saying "HOLY SHIT" with the acting. I don't think the acting could get any better. It does help that they have the perfect cast of actors to play the parts.

On another note, The effects in the movie were, just WOW amazing. It is a 1999 film, probably thinking, the effects are lame, but you are sadly mistaking. This movie has better effects than almost all movies to date. The sound effects are even better than a good chunk of movies.

I love the story behind this movie. You have Sci-Fi/Action/Adventure/Love/Mystery all wrapped up in ONE movie, it is truly amazing. If you still have not seen this trilogy, then you must go out and BUY it, not just rent it, or even go On Demand with it. I mean just flat out get it.

You will not be disappointed with the any of the films.

I give The Matrix a solid _-9/10-_ for just all over perfection

The Matrix IMDB link

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