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Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Music Video Blog # 1

i was you tubbing and was watching music videos and went why not make a blog about it

Blog # 4

hell everyone, me again, not much to say other than im almost done playing GTA IV, and in 8 days ill be 19...already, yeah... right now im listening to Slipknot: Duality, awesome band awesome song, i cant wait for the new album due out later this year, also the new Disturbed CD comes out june 3rd..cant wait!!!!. The show weeds is an awesome show the 3rd season comes out june 3rd aswell.. well going to go now, just a little update i guess, bye

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Drive-In The Night After

Hey everyone, its me again, last night as you know i saw couple movies, and wow, Indiana Jones: And the kingdom of the crystal Skull was awesome, big twist towards the end...and iron was awesome as well, even though I've seen it 3 times, it still kicks ass.. both movies get a instant 10-10 C'ya

Friday, May 23, 2008

The Drive-In

Hey everyone, on friday ill be going to the drive to see 2 movies, one i cant wait to see and the other ive already have seen twice, but the movie kicks ass, the first movie is Indiana Jones 4, and the 2nd showing is Iron-Man, such a perfect pair....One screen two movies, and the price is the same as one movie at the theater here in i are the trailers for the two movies....
IJ: 4

Online Videos by

Iron Man

Online Videos by

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Video game update 1

hey everyone, i just played about 3 hours of a new video game, well not that new, came out in march, but i thought it wasnt out yet till i found it..... the game is Army Of Two for the xbox 360, this game is so awesome, you will really get hooked when playing

There's so much awesome things about this game you will have to play to know, the fact that you have a teammate makes it even better, knowing that makes the game more of a Stratigy game, i love the Back to Back mode in the game makes it awesome, its going slow-mo as you and ur partner are shooting up 30 guys.... this game isnt just another shooter for the xbox..for once

There is an awesome story, awesome effects, very detailed, the weapons couldnt be any better, i really hope there is a sequel, or something, i give this game a perfect 10-10!!!

Sunday, May 18, 2008

All of a sudden thought!

ok, im watching Wrestling, and an all of a sudden Chick-Fights broke out, and WOW, two hot chicks kicking each others butts...awesome, ok now im going to goto bed!!, lol, bye

Blog # 3

I dont know what really to say, other than just a little over 2 weeks and ill be 19!!, those years went by fast, right now im listeing to Disturbed, ive got all there albums, they are awesome, ive even seen them live a few times, i cant wait till there new album comes out, i have both the singles from the new cd, so i already know, the cd is going to be awesome, well going to goto bed now, its already 1:30 am, Cya

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Blog # 2

hey everyone, i just got done playing Timeshift, for the XBOX 360, and i gotta say its not that bad of a game, the gameplay/story reminded me of a little of Assassins Creed, and Halo 3, Assassins Creed, with the weird story, and Halo 3 with the gameplay and weapons.

Halo 3, i gotta say that game sucked so much i wanted to burn the disk, break it, just destroy it, but i couldnt cause i rented it, hell the Online Play even sucked.

GTA IV, is the best game i have ever played, the story is perfect, the effects,lighting,movent, everything is just perfect, the Online Play is the best, 15 different modes to choose from, if you want my word for it, get GTA IV, over Halo 3, Halo is way to damn redundant..... yeah, well, gotta go, C'Ya

Wednesday, May 14, 2008


On May 2nd, i got GTA IV for the 360, and wow, this game is so awesome, there is literaly an unlimited things to do in Liberty City, so many missions, so many people to meet, date chicks, kill the cops, its so fun!!!!, if you havent played this game, what are you waiting for, i do play this game online sometimes, so add "vaver16" on Xbox live

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Blog # 1

Hello everyone, im vaver16, im new to this site, i dont really know what all to say today...sometime sooner ill post stuff, like what i saw on youtube, or other sites, or my favorite sites, and just stuff i like doing, well, going to go.
