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Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Video game update 1

hey everyone, i just played about 3 hours of a new video game, well not that new, came out in march, but i thought it wasnt out yet till i found it..... the game is Army Of Two for the xbox 360, this game is so awesome, you will really get hooked when playing

There's so much awesome things about this game you will have to play to know, the fact that you have a teammate makes it even better, knowing that makes the game more of a Stratigy game, i love the Back to Back mode in the game makes it awesome, its going slow-mo as you and ur partner are shooting up 30 guys.... this game isnt just another shooter for the xbox..for once

There is an awesome story, awesome effects, very detailed, the weapons couldnt be any better, i really hope there is a sequel, or something, i give this game a perfect 10-10!!!

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