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Thursday, May 15, 2008

Blog # 2

hey everyone, i just got done playing Timeshift, for the XBOX 360, and i gotta say its not that bad of a game, the gameplay/story reminded me of a little of Assassins Creed, and Halo 3, Assassins Creed, with the weird story, and Halo 3 with the gameplay and weapons.

Halo 3, i gotta say that game sucked so much i wanted to burn the disk, break it, just destroy it, but i couldnt cause i rented it, hell the Online Play even sucked.

GTA IV, is the best game i have ever played, the story is perfect, the effects,lighting,movent, everything is just perfect, the Online Play is the best, 15 different modes to choose from, if you want my word for it, get GTA IV, over Halo 3, Halo is way to damn redundant..... yeah, well, gotta go, C'Ya

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