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Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief

Hey all, On Monday i went and saw Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief. And i was actually really impressed with the movie. The CGI was done good. But there could have been more. The story was pretty descent but it was really fast past movie. The Action was good. The Actors were really good in the movie. Some good humor scenes. Now this is based on the fact that i haven't read the book yet. But yesterday before i saw the movie. i went out and bought books 1-4. I'm still waiting for the 5th to become soft cover.

I'm just happy that there are now movies being based on Mythology and not just magic/vampires. Cause there's to many of those. Don't get me wrong i love the harry potter series, books and movies. And i love True Blood. But its been done. Not in that fashion. And now finally years later a Mythology movie. And sometime in April a re-make of Clash of the Titans is coming out so another awesome movie to look froward to. Some time is week i will start to read the Percy Jackson book.

alot of people are saying the movie is a " Harry Potter Ripoff " but its not. It's done kind of the same way. But Harry potter is a Magical world. Percy Jackson is a Mythology based world. sooo you cant compare the two at all.

Also this coming Saturday or Sunday (whichever) i'll being going out to see Wolfman. Half said it sucked, half said it was awesome. so I'll be the judge of that. Well till then. Bye

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