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Tuesday, February 23, 2010

The Wolfman

Hello every. Last Saturday i saw "The Wolfman" And well. The movie was a complete fail. There were a few good actors in the movie, and when you saw him slowly transform into the werewolf was good. But that was it.

The plot sucked. They managed to take a cult classic story and turn it into shit. The Story was very generic, the setting was used to much in other movies, that it didnt help the movie. The script in the movie was even poor. I dont know who directed this movie, but it must of been a n00bie.

Nothing about this movie would make me want to see it again.

This movie is not a theater movies, nor buy nor rent. I give Wolfman 4/10

PS. This weekend i might go out and see The Crazies. The trailers looked good, and the actors in are good. So ill post afterwords. BYe

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