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Thursday, January 5, 2012


Owen is a new transfer student at Westlake Preparatory Academy where he meets Dodger a girl who decides to show him around. Tom is Owens roommate, a couple nights into the school, Tom wakes him up to take him down to the chapel where, Dodger, Regina, Mercedes, Lewis, Randall, are waiting for Tom and Owen to play there "Lying Game". Where one of them is the wolf and they have to find out who is the wolf and one by one they get picked off. Few days later they decide to play there game with the entire school by sending out fake emails that there is a killer on the run, and staging some fake kill scenes. Sooner than they think, they start to actually die from a real killer, now they have to decide weather if it's real or a game.

Surprisingly good acting since I only recognized just a few people in it, the cast was fairly small in size, but the story was very good.

I love the story to this film, it's more of a killer version of the boy who cried wolf. Acting was good since I think for a few of them this was there first film, or one of there first.

The suspense in it was awesome, all the while trying to figure out who the killer is, but then there's so many twists and turns, your head will be spinning. The film did kind of remind of the film, Scream. Mainly for the killer suspense thriller, and teen cast.

This one is not to be missed if you like, killer suspense films.

I give, Cry_Wolf. _7/10_

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