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Friday, January 27, 2012

Paranormal Activity Trilogy

So, I never really reviewed any of these, so I will now!
1- Katie and Micah are a couple living together, after some weird things happen, Katie finally tells Micah and he gets a camera to film the house and see if anything weird happens. As the nights go on, more weird and creepy things happen, like footprints and stomping, a fire, and even death. When more nights go on of restless sleep, the two go to a psychic to further explain it. Katie explains that ever since she was little she has been haunted. More nights go on, with the ghost getting more aggravated, the two get into a huge fight, only for the last night, to be the worst night. 

2- Kristi and Daniel have a newly born child, and after a break in. They install camera's throughout the house to capture anything out of the ordinary on camera. Days go on with nothing happening, until shadows appear, noises, and even being thrown start happening. Daniel starts reviewing the DVR and see all the things happen, but just disproves it. Kristi Notices odder things happen as-well as Ali starts seeing and feeling uneasy. As the tension of the house builds up, the entity gets stronger, and physically attacks Kristi and tournaments everybody else. Ali reads something online that has to do with, parents making a deal with a demon but have to sacrifice there first born son. 

3- Dennis and Julie are newlyweds. Dennis is a wedding film recorder. Set in the 1988, Dennis for fun, decides to put a couple camera's in the house to record anything paranormal. Julie was against it, but just gave in. Katie and Kristie are noticing odd things, and Kristie keeps in touch with her friend, Toby. More strange and dangerous things start happening, and Dennis goes to review the tapes to see if anything was recorded, and is creep'd out by what he see's. When things get more intense for the family, they've had enough and flee to grandma's house to stay. Only for Dennis to find out a very dark family secret. 

This series was great. I liked the small amount characters, the chilling story, and creepy feel this film series had. The 2nd one serves as a prequel and a sequel, the 3rd one serves as a slight sequel and more of a prequel. The effects were pretty good, considering how low-budget the 1st one was. The scares kept getting better and creepier as the films came out, with the 3rd one (to me) being the creepiest one yet. I always liked the story to the series, some twist and turns here, and creepy ghostly things happens. I thought that they would stop at 3, but, they are making a 4th one due out October 2012. One thing I hope this series doesn't turn out to be is, Saw. The Saw Series was by far the stupidest horror series ever. I hope this series, doesn't slowly turn into that. But, these films do offer some good scares, good acting, good story. If your one to check out horror films, check out this series! 

I give the, Paranormal Activity Series, _9/10_

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