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Wednesday, May 23, 2012

The Avengers

When Loki comes back to earth of search of a cube, Nick Fury is forced by desperation to call everyone in hopes to form, The Avengers. By near force, he gets, Iron-Man, Thor, Captain America, Black Widow, and Bruce Banner. Once they all arrive high tension is formed and not soon later, they all start fighting for really no apparent reason. Once action starts heating up, and war begins, they decide to stop, and actually help and be, heroes. Loki succeeds in using Starks tower to help open a portal into his world, to let his army into earth. Once mass destruction is happening, The Avengers start acting like a team, and start avenging the earth.

Sorry for the short plot, a ton of stuff happened in the film, that to me, is a huge spoiler, and well, I don't like spoilers. And I apologize for reviewing this film so late, I didn't feel like fighting my way to a seat on opening weekend, so I waited a week, then that week turned into three.

This film was the 1st film I was truly anticipating this year, and well, the wait was very much worth it. This film had very great acting, I was very surprised at how good it was. Kind of expected a 90minute rushed film, no, this was a 2hr 30min film, and no where near rushed. I also loved how dark this film was, seemed throughout the whole film there was a dark aurora, but it was nice to see it dark.

As expected, every Avenger came back to reprise there role, with the exception of, Bruce Banner (Hulk). He was the only one that I felt would maybe not be good, as I loved Norton's portrayal of Bruce Banner, and the hulk in 2008 film was amazing. Was skeptical about having yet another actor play Bruce Banner, kept thinking, when will an actor play Bruce more than once? But,  Mark Ruffalo adds something new, finally, we get a good Bruce. He reminded me of the 70's Bruce. I did love his performance of Bruce more than anyone's, but, I didn't so much like the design of Hulk, he looked like a more updated version of the 2003 version, and the 2008 version was so epic looking, seemed they made a watered down version. But non the less, it was still awesome.

Every actor did an amazing job, bringing new awesomeness on screen, since we first saw the first little tease at the end of Thor. Finally coming all together in a massive epic film, that will make me see it again, at least a 2nd time, if not 3rd time in theater.

If your a Marvel fan, and finally was happy all the marvel films, leading up this one movie, then see it. It was amazing in every way. I was not disappointed at all.

What I thought was also awesome, is that they confirmed a sequel just a week after if came out, Also coming out 2013, Thor 2, Iron-Man 3, and possibly Captain America 2, though, they could wait with Thor 2 and Captain America 2, until after Iron-Man 3, and maybe 2014 Avengers 2. This is all a guess, but I did hear Iron-Man 3 is coming out 2013, summer. 

I give, The Avengers, 9/10

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