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Wednesday, May 23, 2012

The Three Stooges (2000 TV Film)

Moe, Larry and Shemp are best friends trying to catch a break by doing there "Stooge" bits at local bars, eventually the three do catch break, wasn't soon after that Shemp didn't feel right about doing it, and after filming there first short, he left. Later Moe and Larry went around trying to find the third Stooge. Not long, the duo found Curly, after shaving off his hair and beard, The Three Stooges were born. The three kept filming shorts for nearly twenty years, when a stooge passes, he's quickly replaced. Soon a 2nd stooges dies as well, and a new stooge is added. Moe is getting a suspicion that there not getting paid as much as they should, and starts questioning, trying to convince Larry they should go to a different company. Not long after, the head of the company dies, The Three Stooges are no longer able to make any more shorts, and just retire.

I remember seeing this on TV a very long time ago, in 2000. 12 years later, Sony finally decides to release this film on DVD, and arrives in my mailbox.

This film did have good acting, although, since it was a TV made film, it wasn't the highest quality of films. Another downfall is that, the actor, Paul Ben-Victor played Moe, though he did do a good job at it, I think he would of played a better Shemp, as he look more like Shemp than Moe. Evan Handler played Larry, and out of the five Stooges they had, he was (to me) the best actor who played a Stooge. Michael Chiklis played Curly, and now, Curly is by far my favorite of the Stooges, and while his performance was good, it just didn't feel as if he was giving the film his all, plus, he couldn't nail the voice, as his voice is lower. John Kassir played Shemp, he did a fairly decent job as him, nearly nailing the look and voice. Although he didn't have much screen time, maybe around 20 minutes total.

Despite the few bad things, this was a pretty good film, I liked the style on how it was made, showing Moe 10 years after he retired, and showing his life now, and going back and forth with flashbacks of when he was just joining, and the hell he went through during it all. The movie also had some very dark and depressing scenes, when ***** died and **** also died, was just very sad in the film.

This was just dead on with accuracy, and if your a Stooge fan like I am, then you really should watch this.

I give, The Three Stooges, _7/10_

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