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Monday, November 26, 2012


007 is back, and better than ever!

After being on pursuit of a mercenary, Patrice, James Bond and Eve try to capture him before he escapes after stealing a hard drive that holds information of undercover agents. Patrice shoots James, but only in the shoulder, they begin to fight on top of a train, where Eve has a near perfect sniper shot of Patrice, but the two continue to fight and Eve shoots Bond instead and Patrice escapes. Assumed dead, Bond returns after a new threat surfaces that is trying to take down MI6. Bond goes back into training to see if he's able to go into field work. Not long after M clears him and Bond goes to Shanghai to capture Patrice. Again Bond fails to capture him, but then gets a new lead into the new villain, Silva. Bond tracks Silva to an abandoned island on the coast of Macau, Bond get's captured and shown who Silva is, Silva doesn't kill Bond but just want's to show Bond what it's like being on the other side. Soon Bond escapes and goes back to the underground MI6 base where they have Silva locked up. Just hours later Silva escapes the hold as Q was hacking Silva's laptop, it let Silva into the network of MI6 and led to his escape. Bond quickly went on pursuit of Silva, M and Bond decided instead of chasing Silva, let Silva come to us. Bond and M go to Bond's old house when he was a child, and rigged it for a battle between Bond and Silva.

For once I said a lot about the plot, because well, there was a lot to say. Since 2008 I was eagerly awaiting the new Bond film whenever it would be coming out, I had no idea that it would take 4 years, but it was 4 years well waited for. Skyfall is by far the most epic bond film I've seen since Casino Royale (Can't say much on the older ones as I would have to see them again).

Acting was just fantastic, was very happy that Bond and M did come back to reprise there role, and with the addition of Javier Bardem, Ralph Fiennes, Naomie Harris, and Ben Whishaw this was a very perfect cast!

I very much loved, Javier Bardem's role as Silva. He made for one of the most ultimate badass villains. He was a very unique character and would of loved to see his past rather than just hearing it, but none the less, very awesome.

Soundtrack was also another good thing. The intro song "Skyfall"  by Adele was just amazing, and my favorite intro to a Bond film since Casino Royale. Also the music throughout the film was very epic as well, ending the film with the classic Bond theme.

I did hear that Daniel Craig was offered a contract for 5 more Bond films after Skyfall, but I don't think he signed the contract, and only is signed up for just 2 more, yet it's still early and who knows, maybe he did sign it.

I give, Skyfall _-9/10-_

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