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Monday, November 26, 2012

The Weather Man

Dave Spritzel is the local weatherman, trying to be in the big leagues on Hello America. While trying to be weatherman on it, his life starts falling apart, he soon learns that his father, Robert Spritzel has lymphoma and only months to live. Dave tries to reconnect to his daughter, Shelly, though every attempt seems to fail. While in New York he learns that his son was "stealing his counselors wallet" or a possibly victim of child rape. Dave starts getting more and more depressed as the weeks go on, so he takes up Archery, and finally starts to build up confidence and more well being. Yet every now and then he still get's thrown food at while just walking on the street. Dave attempts to reconnect with his wife and win her back, but fails. After he wow's Hello America, he leaves his town and moves to New York to live out the rest of his life.

I thought this film was just great. Has a great storyline, with pretty good actor's, and enough plot twist's that kept me entertained.

I did like how nothing was rushed in the film, they took there time in building up the story, and leave it on a very good ending. Most the film was dark, with some comedy mixed with it. Yet it worked very good as a comedy/drama, mostly drama.

I give, The Weather Man, _7/10_
Review's are back in full swing.

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