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Wednesday, April 10, 2013

The Hunger Games

Katniss Everdeen who lives in District 12 decided to become a tribute to her younger sister who was chosen to be in "The Hunger Games" to compete against 24 others for one winner. Along the way she realizes that the other guy chosen from District 12 secretly had a crush on her. Along the way of the game, they decided to change the rules, create animal hybrid things to chase after them, and have a chose at the end, either have 1 winner, or have both kill each other and have no winner.

Movie was surprisingly good, I hesitated greatly before seeing this film, as the film bares strong resemblance to "Battle Royale" just different setting and story, but overall it's similar.

The acting was done pretty good, with actors who definitely pulled off the character they portrayed. Actors include, Jennifer Lawrence, Josh Hutcherson, Liam Hemsworth, Woody Harrelson, ect.. I was just surprised at who and how many good actors there were in this film.

Soundtrack was also good, bringing nice dark/hurry up feel to the movie. Story was also pretty good, kids from the district submit there name for food but also means they have a higher chance at being the in the Hunger Games. I did like how unique it was, but I just couldn't stop comparing it to "Battle Royale" which also had teenagers, even younger than this film, competing in a death match till there's only one winner. Battle Royale did come out 10 years prior to Hunger Games, which makes it the first of it's kind, and I just think that writer of Hunger Games did know about it, just said, she didn't.

But, in the end it is just a good film, and I did read some of the book (not all) and will finish the book sometime to really compare book to film, and book to other Battle Royale.

I give, Hunger Games, 7/10

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