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Thursday, May 2, 2013

Dylan Dog: Dead of Night

Dylan Dog is a former Supernatural Private Investigator, but years go by and he's near forced into going back into the world of the Supernatural. With his friend, Marcus by his side, Dylan tries to find the heart of Belial, which has blood concealed inside of it, once stabbed into a vampire, it transforms him into a mega beast that destroys/kills everything in it's path. Dylan must try and track down the heart before the wrong people get their hands on it.

Since I've never read any of the comic's or even heard of it, the review is based solely on the film.

The film, wasn't all that bad, semi good actors mixed with, vampires, werewolf's, zombies, and one P.I that tries to keep the undead at peace, it sets up a unique world.

Was happy that all the actors were recognizable, always helps. It did have a decent story to keep my interest, with a nice twist at the end of the film. Soundtrack was also good as well.

What really surprised was how well done the CGI was, when vampires changed into their monster form, was fairly good looking, especially at the end when Dylan faces the super beast.

All in all it wasn't that bad of a film, not the greatest but not bad.

I give, Dylan Dog. 6/10

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