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Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Kick-Ass 2

When Hit-Girl aka Mindy calls it quits from being a Superhero to focus on just being a "normal" girl, Kick-Ass is forced to roam the streets and train alone, until he meets up with Doctor Gravity who introduces Kick-Ass to a whole group of other Super Heroes who have teamed up and called themselves, "Justice Forever". Chris D'Amico still delves into the fact that Kick-Ass killed his father, more and more rage builds up and soon he becomes known as, "The Motherfucker" who plans on being the first super villain to kill Kick-Ass. After Motherfucker gets an army of evil villains it's up to Kick-Ass and Justice Forever to take down criminals and engage in a massive battle of Good and Evil.

Did love watching this film, the action, comedy, all the actors, was just a good combination.

Was happy that all the actors (minus the ones who died in previous film) came back to reprise and "Kickass" once more.

The story was good, and I can't compare it to the comic yet as I still have yet to read it, but I did read # 1 and from what I saw in the film it did follow it. Jim Carrey's performance as Colonel Stars and Stripes was just great watching and my fear was seeing him over act, which for once did not and almost was not recognizable since he took on the character full on, and did no jokes (well one, but it was slight).

I give, Kick-Ass 2, 7/10

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