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Tuesday, November 2, 2010

The Social Network

First thing's first. This movie was very well done.

The Social Network is about a college student who is helping two other people at creating a social college website. He in the end, end's up stealing there idea and pawning it off as is own.

The story of this movie is very well done, great acting, very good actors in this movie who play the there parts just perfectly.

The only thing I want to know is how much of this movie is actually real, i did some digging to find very little, but it is just a movie.

I knew that Facebook was stolen but i didn't think the guy went through that much to make the site.

If you are a Facebook user like millions of other people, you might of known it was stolen, but this movie explains much more than most websites do.

This movie really does make the real owner of Facebook out to be an asshole, but he did what he had to, to get a website.

If you haven't seen this movie, i would say wait to rent this movie, its not the next hollywood blockbuster, but its not one to be missed either.

The Social Network IMDB link

I give The Social Network, a 6/10. Good acting and good story kept me interested.

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