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Tuesday, September 27, 2011


Took a short break from the Batman films, to watch a spin-off. Don't worry, the other Batman reviews will be soon.

Patience Phillips works a cosmetics company called, Hedare Beauty who is making a new lotion for your face, to help reverse aging. When Patience is at the company to deliver a new design she see's something she shouldn't of, and well, they kill her. When she's washes up to shore a bunch of cats that are special give her powers, since they see her as a worthy person to be, Catwoman. She soon realizes that she has heightened awareness, cat like seeing, catlike refelxes, and well, nearly everything like a cat. She decides to go after the people who killed her, only for Catwoman to be framed for murder, a few times. She then faces off with the killers that killed her previous body.

Well, two words. "It sucked". They could of made this into such a better film than this piece of garbage.

The soundtrack was pretty lame, couldn't think of anything to say about the soundtrack other than lackluster and...crap.

Acting was everything but good, crappy lines. Good actors playing in the worst film in there film history, and this film could be the reason no one will hire them for anything else.

Another thing I had a wtf moment was, that this is a whole new version of Catwoman. It's not, Selina Kyle. They decided to make it, where these "special" cats have powers, and over time, give women that they find worthy to have the same powers. No, That's where i was like, w...t...f. 

C.G.I was over the top and VERY unnecessary. They really should of tried to had a stunt woman or train Halle Berry to do her own stunts, on maybe wire-work, or none at all, rather than have a CG version of her 70% you saw her on screen.

I did very much look forward to the credits when they rolled on. This film is not worth buying/seeing in theater/NOTHING. I watched it cause it was a Cinemax on demand.

I give, Catwoman. 2/10. Making this, the worst film I've reviewed.

Saturday, September 17, 2011


Megamind is a very intelligent alien, after his home was being blown up, his parents sent him to earth, only to be raised in a prison, and after being laughed at his whole life, he decides to become an evil mastermind. But when evil raises, so shall a hero, his name is, Metro Man, who for many years picked on Megamind and became his enemy. When Megamind decides to try to kill Metro Man for the 1,000 times, this time, it actually worked. After Megamind rose to fame after the kill, months later he became very bored, and lonely. He then decides to create a super-hero just so he was someone to battle. He creates a Super-Hero names, Titan. Only to find out after training him that Titan want's to be evil, and is more powerful and evil than Megamind and the city looks to Megamind to try to stop him.

Gotta say, This was actually a pretty decent film. Granted it's a kiddy movie, but, It was funny to watch.

The action scenes were pretty good, with some really good CGI, to make even the smoke and clouds/fire look very realistic, very detailed all the ruble was when a building was destroyed.

Voice acting was well done as well. Actors would be. Will Ferrel, Brad Pitt, Tina Fey, Jonah Hill. All doing a pretty good job at selling the character there portraying. Soundtrack was also pretty good, mostly being played is 80's rock music, which I liked, and kinda fit the scene.

Overall this was a good entertaining film, nothing really wrong about it, just wish it was a little longer, with it only being around a hour and 20minutes which for some reason is the standard for animated films.

I give, Megamind. 7/10

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Batman Forever

A bank guard is taken off guard when Two-Face and his thugs decide to break in and hold him hostage in hopes of Batman showing up. Batman escapes the vault in which he gets trapped along with the guard after almost being boiled down to nothing, with acid. Bruce Wayne goes to Wayne Enterprises to check up on things when he meets a weird little person, Dr. Edward Nygma where he wants to show off his device that puts the show directly in the person head, rather than just watching it. But, it raises to many questions and Bruce says no to the idea. Soon after, Edward kills his boss after finding out he just got fired. Edward becomes, The Riddler using his newly made device to hook up to everyone's TV and steal dreams and everything in there head to Edward to learn the true identity of, Batman. When Bruce Wayne is at the circus with his new love interest, Dr. Chase Meridian, things go awful as they watch Two-Face go there and kill off a family of acrobats but one, Dick Grayson. After being now orphaned. Bruce agrees to take Dick in as a new house guest. Later on, The Riddler soon meets up with Two-Face and the two team up to take down Batman and learn who he is. Dick is running around the house, and after going into a room he shouldn't of been in, he learns Bruce's secret. Very soon later Dick becomes, Robin. And now Batman and Robin are out to take down, The Riddler and Two-Face, all trying to save, Chase Meridian.

Well, this film could of been a-lot worse than it was. But given all that happened, it was a little entertaining. The acting was well, over the top, and in some spots, bad. This one was more of the humorous side of the Batman films, and it almost didn't work.

Though this film did have some good things, like the good actors in it. Val Kilmer playing Batman, and to me, is the start of Batman's demise. Kilmer didn't do a bad job at playing the Dark Knight, but he was no wear near as good as Michael Keaton, or even. Adam West. Kilmer (to me) is the 2nd worst Batman ever to hit the big screen.

But then we see, Jim Carrey playing the way over the top, eccentric, Ridder. Was fun watching his performance going around, leaving little riddles for Batman to solve was the more entertaining part of the film, but yet, it still wasn't that great.

Then there's the very good actor being, Two-Face, Tommy Lee Jones. Another good actor playing a roll that really wasn't meant for him. He is a good actor, but to me his performance wasn't the best either. I did like that they showed maybe 4 minutes (if that) of how he became Two-Face, but that wasn't enough to save him.

Another good bit was seeing Robin being played by, Chris O'Donnell. To me, he actually looked as if he was meant for that part as, Robin. He was the 2nd person in the film, I actually enjoyed watching. And his new Robin suit to match Batman's was pretty cool looking.

The Batmobile is now resigned, but, very similar to the one before it, all they did was just tweak it and use a new model car is all. The effects were WAY over the top. Everything bout the film was, to much for what it was, and for some reason, the villains looked like they needed to go to a rave.

Another good thing I can say about it is the soundtrack. Though it's not composed by the previous composer, Danny Elfman. Now it's composed by, Elliot Goldenthal who did make a very good soundtrack, but the music seemed a little to, theatrical for the film, and almost not good.

But, this film wasn't that bad. But, it wasn't that great. With only around 3 things I actually liked about it.

I give, Batman Forever. 5/10

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Batman Returns

After being abandon by his parents when he was just a toddler, he is tossed into a river and floats downstream to who knows where. Jump 30's years later and we meet, Oswald Cobblepot who has been living in a sewer with his penguins and an army of people who work for him, he soon gets his name out when he ends up crashing the lighting of the Gotham Christmas Tree where Bruce Wayne learns of a new threat. Meanwhile, Max Shreck gets in a small little argument with an employee of his who forget to bring him his speech, and Max and Selina Kyle start talking and not long, he pushed her out of a window, and not to long later, she becomes, Catwoman. Oswald summons Max to his sewer and explains his plans to blackmail him or he'll go public on what he has done. Now Max is on the rise of being Mayor. Batman learns of Oswald's plans to use his penguins with are strapped with bombs, and spread around the city to destroy it, all while trying to learn more of this, Catwoman.

A perfect sequel to a very good beginning. The acting was fairly good, with a very strong story with two villains that are wickedly perfect to watch on screen.

Watching, Danny DeVito play the iconic, Penguin was just amazing to watch on screen. The prosthetic they used on him made him look very creepy and at the same time awesome. The only thing I wished he had on his attire is, The black top hat, black suit, and my favorite, the monocle. Would of been even better if they would of had just those few more items on him.

When they showed, Michelle Pfeiffer play, Catwoman. I was very, Very impressed at the sexy costume and how mentally twisted she became after being killed. She played a near perfect Catwoman. Just wished she had more screen time as Catwoman, Think she only had around 10 minutes total, maybe more. But, she still did a very good job.

Batman again as last time is played played by the same actor, Michael Keaton who to this day, is still my 2nd favorite Batman. I don't think they redesigned his costume, or Batmobile. Looked the same, and if they did the changes weren't that noticeable.

Soundtrack like last time was again, Incredible. Was done by the same composer, Danny Elfman. Who made another perfect soundtrack to the film. I still love the intro or, Theme song he composed. Perfect soundtrack.

I've gotta say, I like this sequel more than the previous one. Batman was very good and dark, but this one just is better in my opinion.

I give, Batman Returns. 8/10

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