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Tuesday, September 27, 2011


Took a short break from the Batman films, to watch a spin-off. Don't worry, the other Batman reviews will be soon.

Patience Phillips works a cosmetics company called, Hedare Beauty who is making a new lotion for your face, to help reverse aging. When Patience is at the company to deliver a new design she see's something she shouldn't of, and well, they kill her. When she's washes up to shore a bunch of cats that are special give her powers, since they see her as a worthy person to be, Catwoman. She soon realizes that she has heightened awareness, cat like seeing, catlike refelxes, and well, nearly everything like a cat. She decides to go after the people who killed her, only for Catwoman to be framed for murder, a few times. She then faces off with the killers that killed her previous body.

Well, two words. "It sucked". They could of made this into such a better film than this piece of garbage.

The soundtrack was pretty lame, couldn't think of anything to say about the soundtrack other than lackluster and...crap.

Acting was everything but good, crappy lines. Good actors playing in the worst film in there film history, and this film could be the reason no one will hire them for anything else.

Another thing I had a wtf moment was, that this is a whole new version of Catwoman. It's not, Selina Kyle. They decided to make it, where these "special" cats have powers, and over time, give women that they find worthy to have the same powers. No, That's where i was like, w...t...f. 

C.G.I was over the top and VERY unnecessary. They really should of tried to had a stunt woman or train Halle Berry to do her own stunts, on maybe wire-work, or none at all, rather than have a CG version of her 70% you saw her on screen.

I did very much look forward to the credits when they rolled on. This film is not worth buying/seeing in theater/NOTHING. I watched it cause it was a Cinemax on demand.

I give, Catwoman. 2/10. Making this, the worst film I've reviewed.

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