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Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Batman Returns

After being abandon by his parents when he was just a toddler, he is tossed into a river and floats downstream to who knows where. Jump 30's years later and we meet, Oswald Cobblepot who has been living in a sewer with his penguins and an army of people who work for him, he soon gets his name out when he ends up crashing the lighting of the Gotham Christmas Tree where Bruce Wayne learns of a new threat. Meanwhile, Max Shreck gets in a small little argument with an employee of his who forget to bring him his speech, and Max and Selina Kyle start talking and not long, he pushed her out of a window, and not to long later, she becomes, Catwoman. Oswald summons Max to his sewer and explains his plans to blackmail him or he'll go public on what he has done. Now Max is on the rise of being Mayor. Batman learns of Oswald's plans to use his penguins with are strapped with bombs, and spread around the city to destroy it, all while trying to learn more of this, Catwoman.

A perfect sequel to a very good beginning. The acting was fairly good, with a very strong story with two villains that are wickedly perfect to watch on screen.

Watching, Danny DeVito play the iconic, Penguin was just amazing to watch on screen. The prosthetic they used on him made him look very creepy and at the same time awesome. The only thing I wished he had on his attire is, The black top hat, black suit, and my favorite, the monocle. Would of been even better if they would of had just those few more items on him.

When they showed, Michelle Pfeiffer play, Catwoman. I was very, Very impressed at the sexy costume and how mentally twisted she became after being killed. She played a near perfect Catwoman. Just wished she had more screen time as Catwoman, Think she only had around 10 minutes total, maybe more. But, she still did a very good job.

Batman again as last time is played played by the same actor, Michael Keaton who to this day, is still my 2nd favorite Batman. I don't think they redesigned his costume, or Batmobile. Looked the same, and if they did the changes weren't that noticeable.

Soundtrack like last time was again, Incredible. Was done by the same composer, Danny Elfman. Who made another perfect soundtrack to the film. I still love the intro or, Theme song he composed. Perfect soundtrack.

I've gotta say, I like this sequel more than the previous one. Batman was very good and dark, but this one just is better in my opinion.

I give, Batman Returns. 8/10

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