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Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Batman Forever

A bank guard is taken off guard when Two-Face and his thugs decide to break in and hold him hostage in hopes of Batman showing up. Batman escapes the vault in which he gets trapped along with the guard after almost being boiled down to nothing, with acid. Bruce Wayne goes to Wayne Enterprises to check up on things when he meets a weird little person, Dr. Edward Nygma where he wants to show off his device that puts the show directly in the person head, rather than just watching it. But, it raises to many questions and Bruce says no to the idea. Soon after, Edward kills his boss after finding out he just got fired. Edward becomes, The Riddler using his newly made device to hook up to everyone's TV and steal dreams and everything in there head to Edward to learn the true identity of, Batman. When Bruce Wayne is at the circus with his new love interest, Dr. Chase Meridian, things go awful as they watch Two-Face go there and kill off a family of acrobats but one, Dick Grayson. After being now orphaned. Bruce agrees to take Dick in as a new house guest. Later on, The Riddler soon meets up with Two-Face and the two team up to take down Batman and learn who he is. Dick is running around the house, and after going into a room he shouldn't of been in, he learns Bruce's secret. Very soon later Dick becomes, Robin. And now Batman and Robin are out to take down, The Riddler and Two-Face, all trying to save, Chase Meridian.

Well, this film could of been a-lot worse than it was. But given all that happened, it was a little entertaining. The acting was well, over the top, and in some spots, bad. This one was more of the humorous side of the Batman films, and it almost didn't work.

Though this film did have some good things, like the good actors in it. Val Kilmer playing Batman, and to me, is the start of Batman's demise. Kilmer didn't do a bad job at playing the Dark Knight, but he was no wear near as good as Michael Keaton, or even. Adam West. Kilmer (to me) is the 2nd worst Batman ever to hit the big screen.

But then we see, Jim Carrey playing the way over the top, eccentric, Ridder. Was fun watching his performance going around, leaving little riddles for Batman to solve was the more entertaining part of the film, but yet, it still wasn't that great.

Then there's the very good actor being, Two-Face, Tommy Lee Jones. Another good actor playing a roll that really wasn't meant for him. He is a good actor, but to me his performance wasn't the best either. I did like that they showed maybe 4 minutes (if that) of how he became Two-Face, but that wasn't enough to save him.

Another good bit was seeing Robin being played by, Chris O'Donnell. To me, he actually looked as if he was meant for that part as, Robin. He was the 2nd person in the film, I actually enjoyed watching. And his new Robin suit to match Batman's was pretty cool looking.

The Batmobile is now resigned, but, very similar to the one before it, all they did was just tweak it and use a new model car is all. The effects were WAY over the top. Everything bout the film was, to much for what it was, and for some reason, the villains looked like they needed to go to a rave.

Another good thing I can say about it is the soundtrack. Though it's not composed by the previous composer, Danny Elfman. Now it's composed by, Elliot Goldenthal who did make a very good soundtrack, but the music seemed a little to, theatrical for the film, and almost not good.

But, this film wasn't that bad. But, it wasn't that great. With only around 3 things I actually liked about it.

I give, Batman Forever. 5/10

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