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Monday, October 3, 2011

Batman: Under the Red Hood

Batman is on the run to, Robin when the Joker has him tied up and beaten, and has pulled the timer to the bombs, Batman fails to make it in time, causing, Robin to die. Few months pass, Batman still doing his crime fighting, when a new enemy appears, calling himself, Red Hood. Red Hood is trying to take over all the crime in Gotham City, which seemed to work. Batman's first sidekick, Nightwing comes to help aid Batman when Amazo tries to kill him, only to learn that, Amazo was sent to, Red Hood. After learning of Red Hoods true self, Red Hood gets in a fight counting on Batman coming. Batman confronts Red Hood, but being Red Hood, he escapes and captures the Joker, forcing Batman to make a choice, him, or the Joker.

This was a pretty entertaining animated film. This is really the first animated Batman film I've seen, I have watched the animated series when I was younger, but that was it.

Voice acting was pretty good as well. Bruce Greenwood provided the voice of, Batman and played it pretty good. Jensen Ackles played, Red Hood, who also was pretty good. Others were, John DiMaggio as the Joker, Neil Patrick Harris as, Nightwing.

Animation was I guess standard looking, but, pretty good looking. This was alittle dark, seemed there was a lot of, blood and violence for an animated film, but made it good, and darker.

The few twists and turns that were in it made it entertaining to watch. Only thing I wished was better was, a longer run time. Was only 1hr 15mins. Which isn't bad, but I could see it being, 1hr 45mins, having more story and, what ever they wanted to put in it. But, not bad.

I give, Batman: Under the Red Hood. 7/10

 *edit* I won't be adding two more animated film reviews, only the 3 live action films. 

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