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Thursday, October 27, 2011

The Frankenstein Syndrome/ Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

Group of scientist's decide to use illegal stem-cell research to bring back the dead, only for a few of there experiments to go horribly wrong.

That has to be the shortest plot I've said yet. Wow.

This film wasn't all that bad, just wasn't that great. Acting was fairly decent, just not good, the effects were "ok". The plot was actually good though, putting a new twist on a very old classic. I give, The Frankenstein Syndrome. 5/10.

Dr. Jekyll is a well known doctor, after going over sea's to an island, he takes a plant sample with him to use on himself to experiment with, after it goes wrong, he becomes two people, the other being, Mr. Hyde. When murders start happening he starts having flash backs and learns that he is the one responsible, and is working around the clock to isolate the compound and create a cure before he does more murders. 

Another old classic putting a new spin on things, Acting was actually fairly good, with only a few weird moments. The plot was very well done, with actors you might know. I found that this was actually a made for TV film, which explained why some of the transitions were like TV. I watched both films on demand. 
 I give, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. 6/10

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