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Monday, October 3, 2011

Batman and Robin

Mr. Freeze and his thugs have frozen a jewelry store in the hopes of find a really big diamond. Batman and Robin storm in and stir it up, only to for Robin to get frozen and have, Mr. Freeze and his thugs escape with the diamond. Not long later, Alfred has a niece, Barbara Wilson. Who came over to free Alfred from being a butler. Only to find that Alfred has a rare disease and he's slowly dieing. Dr. Pamela Isley was working in her lab, when she walked into a room that she wasn't meant to go in, and saw something she shouldn't of. After, Dr. Jason Woodrue talks to Pamela he just, kills her, cause he doesn't want the secret getting out. Just a day or so later, all the chemicals that were dumped on Pamela turned her into, Poison Ivy. Poison Ivy and, Bane become a team to take down, Batman and Robin, only to team up with, Mr. Freeze. Alfred leaves behind a disc for his Brothers eyes only, but, Barbara being nosey hacks into the disc and learns of who Batman and Robin is, and very soon later, she becomes, Batgirl. She proves that she knows how to fight, and now, Batman, Robin and Batgirl all team up to take down, Mr.Freeze, Poison Ivy and Bane. While trying to convince Mr. Freeze to help him in finding the cure to save, Alfred.

This was the 2nd worse Batman film, of all time. The soundtrack wasn't that bad, but, The only song I liked was the very intro song, which was the same for the last one to, more of a failed soundtrack. For some reason, like the last film, the thugs looked that they needed to rave, glow in the dark paints, and black light effects make the thugs look like crap.

The story wasn't all that bad ( no it was). But, we did get to see, Bane, which was just, outrageous if you ask me, and he for some reason could only say a few words. My favorite to watch on screen was, Poison Ivy played by, Uma Thurman who played it pretty good, and kinda, demented, in a hot way. Arnold Schwarzenegger played, Mr. Freeze and well, it could of been worse, but it could of been alot better.

Chris O'Donnell comes back to reprise his role as, Robin, and a new custom. Robin's custom is really the only cool one. Sadly, George Clooney decides to try to be Batman, and well, just fails.

Again like the previous film, the effects are way over the top, and made Gotham City out to be this HUGE city, that only looks unreal. I think they could of easily of found a better director with this film, and the previous one.

I give, Batman and Robin. 3/10

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