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Thursday, July 26, 2012

The Dark Knight

Finally I review of, The Dark Knight is here, with the 3rd film review coming this weekend. I only waited to review this film cause I wanted to wait till it was more closer to the release of the final Batman film. So here my review of..

After establishing himself as, The Dark Knight. Gotham criminals now fear him, except for when a new villain comes to town. The Joker seeks out Mob Boss, Maroni to rip off and take half of there money by getting them to do his dirty work. Meanwhile Harvey Dent is working his way to the top by putting away hundreds of mobsters/criminals. When Lt. Gordon tips off Batman of a new enemy Batman goes around getting clues and trying to find out The Jokers end game. When Harvey Dent digs to deep and puts away all the mobsters he and Rachel Dawes end up getting kidnapped and tied up with a bomb about to go off, Batman must know choose which one to save, willing that Joker is telling the truth. Once The Joker is set free, Batman must use all his will to hunt down and try and defeat The Joker before, two boats that The Joker rigged to explode, he must stop Joker and the boats before more blood is spilled. All while trying to stop a new enemy that he didn't see coming.

This is by far, the best Batman film....ever! Everything about this film was just amazing, even though there was one part I didn't like so much, if you can over look that one little part, it's an amazing film.

The story was just the best. Kept leaving you wonder what the Joker will end up doing. Heath Ledger played the Joker just amazing. I even loved his performance better than Jack Nicholson's, and that says a ton, as I loved watching him in the late 80's Batman film, then this came along, and wiped out the past. The one little thing I didn't like so much like was that, Katie Holmes did not return to reprise her role, which would of made the film better, but instead they brought on Maggie Gyllenhaal, which don't get me wrong, she's a good actress, I just didn't think she was suited for the role of, Rachel Dawes.

Soundtrack was also very good, so good in-fact that the day after seeing the film in theaters, I bought the soundtrack. I loved the grim tune they played which lets you know that the Joker is around. Most the other songs were very similar to before from, Batman Begins, but still very good music.

I ended up seeing this twice in theaters, and just loved it, had a great time and was almost impatiently awaiting the final installment.

I give, The Dark Knight, 9/10
The Dark Knight Rises review coming this weekend!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Messages Deleted

Joel Brandt is a college teacher who teaches Advanced Screen Writing, he is also a screen writer himself. One day after he gets home from work he gets a message on his answering machine, a guy is yelling for help saying this guy is going to kill him, Joel thinks it's a prank call and deletes it. A day later the person who called, was found dead near Joel. Days go on and he keeps getting more messages about people saying he needs to get there before that person dies. Joel tries to piece together who is setting this up and why. After the police get involved, they start to think it's Joel himself doing it. Later on Joel discovers an old screen play he wrote and finds out the killer is bringing to life his screen play, he just now needs to figure out who before it's to late.

I heard about this film a couple years ago and thought it would make for an interesting watch, only problem was, you can't buy this film anywhere in the US, as it's not out yet, only in the UK, only way I watched it was Showtime on Demand, they just happen to have it, so I was happy!

The acting was fair, was nothing amazing, but it wasn't anything to laugh at. I especially loved the story of the film, kept me glued to my chair. All the twists and turns kept me guessing (and failing) to discover who the actual killer was, and the ending, was just great.

I did also like the actors in the film, although I only recognized two or three actors, not that bad since the others did there part good. Again, the story was just so good.

I give, Messages Deleted. _7/10_

Monday, July 16, 2012


When John Bennett makes a wish after seeing a shooting star, he wish's that his teddy bear "Ted" was real, as his teddy bear was his only friend. The morning after he realizes that Ted was alive, moving and talking. Although John was at first scared, he soon had nothing but love for, Ted. Soon after Ted became alive, the whole world found about it, soon Ted was on various talk shows, many interviews, etc.. Now John is in his mid 30's and still living and getting high with Ted. While Ted still lives with John, John tries to have a relationship with his girlfriend, but she thinks Ted is making the relationship hard and, John ask's him to move out. Ted finds a job and an apartment and is living on his own. Afterwards John and Ted while at a park, encounter a strange man and his son, asking if Ted is for sale, they decline. But as the days go on, Ted sees the strange man again at his home, and he gets kidnapped, and given to his son. A short time later John finds out, and is on the hunt to save Ted and save him from the strange man.

Must say, I was slightly hesitant to see this film, as I figured all the jokes would be a reuse of what we already have seen in, Family Guy and American Dad. While most the jokes were about the same, just different verbiage, they still were fresh and new, making it for a pretty good comedy.

The acting was pretty good, watching Mark Wahlberg talking to a teddy bear and getting high with him was pretty funny. A good chunk of the actors in the film were all Family Guy stars, not such a surprise. They all did a good job, but it would of been nice to see more than just Family Guy actors.

I did enjoy the story-line a lot, giving the film a nice sci-fi part and a nice suspense at the end of the film, and of course a sad scene as well, but it all worked. Seth MacFarlane can do a pretty good comedy, but I think if he writes/produces/directs/stars in another live action film, he should not do the voice, as he only has around 4 different voices, and Ted, sounded way...WAY to much like Peter Griffen, and he even did the voice's of Brian and Stewie, both from Family Guy, I wanted something new, in that sense I was disappointed. This was basically a live action version of Family Guy, where the people have different parts, and "Ted" from Family Guy is grown up. 

I give, Ted. 6/10

Thursday, July 5, 2012

The Librarian: Quest for the Spear

Flynn Carsen has been a student for nearly 20 years, earning 22 academic degrees. After his professor kicks him out of college, Flynn must now look for work, he lands a job as a Librarian at Metropolitan Public Library. After he's chosen to be not just any librarian, but the librarian, he learns that he must track down The Spear of Destiny, the holder of the Spear will be the most powerful person on the world. Flynn meets up with Nicole Noone who protects the Librarian at all costs. The two find out that the Serpent Brotherhood is also after the Spear. The Brotherhood finds Flynn and forces Flynn to help them find the Spear, along the journey Flynn and Nicole must find a way to get the Spear, and return it to the Library before the Serpent Brotherhood get it, and kill them.

This was a very fun film to watch, even though it was a TNT TV film, it was still good.

The acting was pretty good, even the effects were pretty good (now of course out dated, but good). The story is what kept my interest, as all the artifacts they showed in the library were real mythology artifacts, most do or may exist. The actors in the film all did good at playing there role, Noah Wyle (to me) did the best job of all of them, as he had the title role, he played the role good.

I did see this film only around once or twice since it aired on TV in 2005, just a few weeks ago I bought the DVD online. Finding this film, was a journey all on it's own. For some reason this film, is extremely hard, if your lucky, you'll find it for a decent price, if your lucky. I just happen to find it for 15bucks through EBAY, the others I found on amazon were selling for 30-100 bucks, for just the one dvd, and they never made a NTSC box set of all three films, I had to buy all three films separate, though films 2 and 3 were cake finding, just the one film was hard to find.

I give, The Librarian Quest for the Spear, 7/10
Buy (If you can find it)

Men in Black 3

I did see this film last month, on my B-day even, I just completely forgot to review it, so if memory serves me, here's my review of...

Agent J and Agent K investigate a UFO crash in New York, after eating pie K may know who it is, and regrets not killing the alien that escaped from a prison that's on the Moon. The next day, something weird happens to Agent J, where he's craving chocolate milk, extreme headache's, after going in to work, he starts to wonder where Agent K is, not a single person has a clue, he soon finds out that K as been dead for the last 40 years. Agent J thinks it's a joke, but then figures out the alien used time warp, so Agent J finds a merchant that sells a Time Warp device, after falling around 1,000 stories, Agent J time warps himself to the year 1969 in order to stop the alien (Boris) from killed Agent K. Upon arriving he meets a much younger Agent K, and nearly wipes out Agent J's memory, only for the two to work together, and hunt down Boris and kill him before he kills Agent K, again.

For a third entry in a series that I loved watching, it sure took them long enough to make a third entry, but the wait was sure worth it.

The newest installment in the Men in Black series was just amazing. The acting was just great and the actors, did a great job. The effects were very good, now able to see much upgraded aliens, rather than puppets, though I think they used a cross between mechanical puppets and CGI.

The story was done very good, using time warp was a great idea for this series. Was happy that both Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones came back to reprise there role, and the addition of Josh Brolin as young Agent K, was the best part, he looked incredibly like Jones, just much younger. The actor who played Boris, Jemaine Clement did a great job at playing the lead alien villain.

I did happen to see this film in 3-D, yes I'm starting to see more films in 3-D, it took 2 years for me to see another film in 3-D since I saw Avatar. The 3-D was done so good, it looked as if I was watching a live action video game, especially towards the more CGI scenes.

I give, Men in Black 3, 7/10

The Amazing Spider-Man

It's that time again, reboot season has arrived. This weekend I'll be catching up on the missed reviews, ended up getting to busy, anyways here's my review of...

Peter Parker is your average skater high schooler, shortly after getting beat up by Flash Thompson, he decides to go to Oscorp to figure more about what was in his father's suitcase, later bumps into Dr. Conners who finds out that he's son of Richard Parker. After wondering off into a room he shouldn't of been in, hundreds enhanced spiders fall onto Peter, which one does bite him, giving him enhanced strength, speed, climbing walls, etc. He then creates a suit after the death of his uncle, and also create webbing to fly. The hunt is on for Spider-Man to try to track down Ben's killer, only to get sidetracked and find that there's a very large lizard roaming around, he must then find out where the lizard is hiding, and who he is, once he finds out, he finds that the Lizard is planning a much worse attack than he previously thought..

Another day, another reboot, well. I can say this, it was...Supirsingly good. Was afraid that the reboot would suck, and oh yay there going back to high school rather than moving forward, we're going backwards. Yet this film worked.

Acting was very good, I really enjoyed Andrew Garfield's portrayal of, Peter Parker. Also Emma Stone as Gwen Stacy was pretty good, although the last time Gwen was on screen, she was mid 20's, now 17, Oh-well. Rhys Ifans played Dr. Conners very good, I really loved how he played the Lizard. I did look forward to seeing the original actor come back, but Ifans did a very good job. Denis Leary Playing Capt. Stacy also did a good job as well, almost slightly better than the original actor who played him in 2007. One small complaint is, the choice of actors who played Peters Aunt/Uncle. Yes there good actors, but, they could of easily found two better actors to play Aunt May and Uncle Ben. Although, I did love the choice of actors who played Peters parents, Campbell Scott and Embeth Davidtz, both did a very good job, though Embeth didn't really say much, it was nice seeing Peters parents finally on screen.

Soundtrack was also pretty good as-well, was a nice fresh new music to fit Spidey swinging/fighting on screen. Although one song I heard sounded a lot like one of the songs they played in either Spider-Man 2 or 3. But, Oh-well.

I did see it in 3-D, and I just loved it in 3-D, seeing lizards tail flying at you, Spidey swinging in your face was very exciting to see.

Again, I must say that this film is near identical of how, Ultimate Spider-Man is, even the parents in the film, looked like the comic version. The story is near the same as well. The costume is almost the same looking, They really should of just called this, Ultimate Spider-Man, then I would of rushed to see it, but I still did, as the trailers kept sucking me in.

But I suppose if you like Spider-Man (like me) and is looking for a new chapter is Spidey's life, then go and check out the film, you'd be surprised at how good it is, I almost saw it twice in one day.

I give, Amazing Spider-Man, 8/10

Buy (Applies to neither, saw it in theater).

Monday, July 2, 2012

Planet of the Apes (2001)

In 2029, Leo is aboard the USAFSS (United States Air Force Space Station) working as an astronaut who is training monkeys to go through space for the more dangerous missions. After Leo sends Pericles into space to check out a electromagnetic storm, Pericles soon gets lost into a wormhole, Leo quickly goes into a pod and goes after Pericles, only to be trapped into the same worm hole. After Leo crash lands on a strange new world, he soon finds out that the world is run by Apes, and humans are being treated and hunted like animals. Soon Leo is gathered with a few other humans and sent back to the apes town. An Ape named Ari, tries to set free the humans seeing that they should be treated equally. Leo escapes setting free a handful of humans with along with a few Apes who try helping Leo get back to a signal from his people who will bring him home. After the group is being hunted by the Ape army, a full war breaks out, leading them to the forbidden zone, only to discover that Leo was responsible for the new Ape world, and that he has traveled more than 3,000 years. Now he must find a way to get back into space and find his space station before time runs out.

I'm not the one for remakes, I'm pretty against remakes being made, since the original is almost always better, although with this film, it was fantastic. The acting was very well done, along with a ton of good actors in the film which make it a great watch.

The Apes looks more realistic than the original, since makeup and prosthetic upgraded in time. This time around the apes show and do more emotion, facial expressions, and well, completely upgraded. I did love how good the Apes looked.

Soundtrack was very, very fantastic. Giving you a jungle/suspense soundtrack throughout the film, making the soundtrack the 2nd best thing I loved about this film. Loved it so much, I might buy the soundtrack soon.

Now since this is a remake, you can't really compare, since this isn't a direct remake, it's more of a re-imagining of a classic film. There are a few of the same moments in this film as the original, but only a few, the ship's name is different, how he makes it to the world is completely different, and most of it is all new, but still fresh and new, but not trying to be better than the original, but just showing you a new version.

I must say I did very much enjoy this film, I was very hesitant to watch it since I loved the original one so much, and I'm glad I did.

I give, Planet of the Apes

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Battle Royale II: Requiem

Three years after the events of the first film, a new B class is randomly selected to partake in Battle Royale II. After the students are told the rules it's time to begin the game, only this time instead of hunting each other, the students now must find and kill, "The Wild Seven" a group of teenage terrorists run by Shuya Nanahara, the survivor of the BR three years ago. Shuya created the Wild Seven to rebel against not only BR, but all adults in the world, also started doing terrorists attacks on cities killing adults, but soon he wants to do the whole world. Soon after the students arrive at a new island, The Wild Seven go to war against the new class of BR II.

This film wasn't all that bad, it wasn't as good as the first one, but I still saw it as a worthy sequel, even a few people from the first film came back to reprise there role, which was nice seeing.

Story was, so-so. Yet it was good enough that it kept my attention for the 2hr run time. The entire basis of the first time ( in the sequel) was completely changed. Now the students must work in pairs, i.e, Boy 1 is paired with Girl 2, if Boy 1 dies, Girl 2 automatically dies, if Boy 1 go more than 50 meters away from Girl 1, they die. Also the students aren't just given random weapons that suit who they are, now there given army weapons, bullet proof jackets, ect..

Soundtrack was kind of dull throughout the film, the main song they played in the first film, was also played in this sequel, not bad, but not so original. But none the less the songs played still suited the scenes. Acting was also "OK", some of the actors were very good, mainly the ones who came back to reprise the role, and most of the new cast were good as-well. A couple of actors in it (which you'll see instantly) were a little over the top, whoa, tune it down. But if you could ignore it like I kind of did, it wasn't all that bad.

Overall, this film did an OK job at keeping a good story with enough twists and explosions to satisfy me, although it wasn't as good. If you must see this one, I'd say rent it, rather than buy.

I give, Battle Royale II: Requiem. _-6/10-_