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Thursday, July 5, 2012

The Amazing Spider-Man

It's that time again, reboot season has arrived. This weekend I'll be catching up on the missed reviews, ended up getting to busy, anyways here's my review of...

Peter Parker is your average skater high schooler, shortly after getting beat up by Flash Thompson, he decides to go to Oscorp to figure more about what was in his father's suitcase, later bumps into Dr. Conners who finds out that he's son of Richard Parker. After wondering off into a room he shouldn't of been in, hundreds enhanced spiders fall onto Peter, which one does bite him, giving him enhanced strength, speed, climbing walls, etc. He then creates a suit after the death of his uncle, and also create webbing to fly. The hunt is on for Spider-Man to try to track down Ben's killer, only to get sidetracked and find that there's a very large lizard roaming around, he must then find out where the lizard is hiding, and who he is, once he finds out, he finds that the Lizard is planning a much worse attack than he previously thought..

Another day, another reboot, well. I can say this, it was...Supirsingly good. Was afraid that the reboot would suck, and oh yay there going back to high school rather than moving forward, we're going backwards. Yet this film worked.

Acting was very good, I really enjoyed Andrew Garfield's portrayal of, Peter Parker. Also Emma Stone as Gwen Stacy was pretty good, although the last time Gwen was on screen, she was mid 20's, now 17, Oh-well. Rhys Ifans played Dr. Conners very good, I really loved how he played the Lizard. I did look forward to seeing the original actor come back, but Ifans did a very good job. Denis Leary Playing Capt. Stacy also did a good job as well, almost slightly better than the original actor who played him in 2007. One small complaint is, the choice of actors who played Peters Aunt/Uncle. Yes there good actors, but, they could of easily found two better actors to play Aunt May and Uncle Ben. Although, I did love the choice of actors who played Peters parents, Campbell Scott and Embeth Davidtz, both did a very good job, though Embeth didn't really say much, it was nice seeing Peters parents finally on screen.

Soundtrack was also pretty good as-well, was a nice fresh new music to fit Spidey swinging/fighting on screen. Although one song I heard sounded a lot like one of the songs they played in either Spider-Man 2 or 3. But, Oh-well.

I did see it in 3-D, and I just loved it in 3-D, seeing lizards tail flying at you, Spidey swinging in your face was very exciting to see.

Again, I must say that this film is near identical of how, Ultimate Spider-Man is, even the parents in the film, looked like the comic version. The story is near the same as well. The costume is almost the same looking, They really should of just called this, Ultimate Spider-Man, then I would of rushed to see it, but I still did, as the trailers kept sucking me in.

But I suppose if you like Spider-Man (like me) and is looking for a new chapter is Spidey's life, then go and check out the film, you'd be surprised at how good it is, I almost saw it twice in one day.

I give, Amazing Spider-Man, 8/10

Buy (Applies to neither, saw it in theater).

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