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Thursday, July 5, 2012

The Librarian: Quest for the Spear

Flynn Carsen has been a student for nearly 20 years, earning 22 academic degrees. After his professor kicks him out of college, Flynn must now look for work, he lands a job as a Librarian at Metropolitan Public Library. After he's chosen to be not just any librarian, but the librarian, he learns that he must track down The Spear of Destiny, the holder of the Spear will be the most powerful person on the world. Flynn meets up with Nicole Noone who protects the Librarian at all costs. The two find out that the Serpent Brotherhood is also after the Spear. The Brotherhood finds Flynn and forces Flynn to help them find the Spear, along the journey Flynn and Nicole must find a way to get the Spear, and return it to the Library before the Serpent Brotherhood get it, and kill them.

This was a very fun film to watch, even though it was a TNT TV film, it was still good.

The acting was pretty good, even the effects were pretty good (now of course out dated, but good). The story is what kept my interest, as all the artifacts they showed in the library were real mythology artifacts, most do or may exist. The actors in the film all did good at playing there role, Noah Wyle (to me) did the best job of all of them, as he had the title role, he played the role good.

I did see this film only around once or twice since it aired on TV in 2005, just a few weeks ago I bought the DVD online. Finding this film, was a journey all on it's own. For some reason this film, is extremely hard, if your lucky, you'll find it for a decent price, if your lucky. I just happen to find it for 15bucks through EBAY, the others I found on amazon were selling for 30-100 bucks, for just the one dvd, and they never made a NTSC box set of all three films, I had to buy all three films separate, though films 2 and 3 were cake finding, just the one film was hard to find.

I give, The Librarian Quest for the Spear, 7/10
Buy (If you can find it)

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