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Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Exorcist II: The Heretic

After being nearly forced into investigating the death of Father Merrin, Father Lamont now travels to New York to speak with, Regan. Since Regan has been doing therapy for some time now, her doctor, Dr. Tuskin  who has a new device that hooks up to two people's head, allowing one another to see their dreams or memories. Once Lamont and Regan get hooked up, her past memories from that frightful night reveal new details about the demon, Pazuzu. Lamont then travels to Africa where he hopes to find a man who once defeated, Pazuzu. When Lament finds Kokumo he gains more knowledge. Lament then returns to New York only to get in a hypnotized state after being "connected" to Regan again. The two travel to Washington back to the house where it all began, in a final battle with Pazuzu once more.

A very amazing film (The Exorcist) gets a sequel, and one part made me laugh.

A few people returned for this film, and I don't see how they did, since this film was a complete disaster, and horror films aren't supposed to make you laugh, this one did.

Story was sloppy at best, making the main focus of the film more based on the demon this time.

I can't say much about this film other than, why did they make it? It's the worst horror sequel film I've ever seen, and I've seen a ton of horror films. The first film, was perfect, a nice A-B story that didn't leave any ties, this sequel was very unnecessary, and a waste of 118minutes.

I give, Exorcist II: The Heretic, 2/10

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