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Sunday, July 7, 2013


When NASA discovers objects heading towards earth 5 years after they send a message to space, US Navy is forced into battle when the space craft land in water, sending a force field around the water. When 3 Navy Ships are trapped, it's up to them to try and take out the alien beings.

Yup, very little plot as very little happened. I didn't see this film in the theatre as I was very skeptical about this film.

Everything about this film was just horrible despite it having a couple good actors in it (Liam Neeson, Alexander SkarsgÄrd).

The script was just horrible, was poorly written, plus the forced in jokes seemed very out of place.

Another big flop was having "Rihanna" in the film as she was the worst "Actress" in film, yes it's in quotations as she couldn't act. I did however like that they did show what the aliens looked like, but even the big special effects couldn't make me like it, it was almost a chore watching till the end.

When I first saw the trailer in 2012, I thought it was a trailer for a new Transformers film, but just looked like a watered down copy of Transformers that's much worse and just not worth making.

They did have a scene in the film that did look just like the Hasbro Battleship game, also firing blind. The alien missile actually looked like the pegs you put into the ships in the board game.

I just can't believe how big of a flop this film was.

I give, Battleship, 2/10

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