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Friday, July 19, 2013


When a massive hurricane comes to L.A the people notice that the storm is bringing more than just wind and water, its throwing sharks into the land and threatening it's inhabitants. Now it's up to a group of wannabe's to come up with a plan to not only fight the sharks but destroy the tornadoes that sprouted mysteriously after the hurricane.

I'm so happy that this film was only 90 minutes, I couldn't of tolerated another minute.

The acting was so awful it actually made me laugh. It seemed like a 10 year old wrote the script.

Cast includes, a chick from the American Pie films, a dude that looked kinda familiar from the 90's, an old guy that was in the Home Alone movie, and everything you've never seen before.

Once the sharks somehow flew (not even from the hurricane or tornado) and swallowed up the people, then it was getting to funny, I actually laughed my ass off when one chick fell from a helicopter in the hopes of killing one shark then another shark out of nowhere, swallows her.

Sadly though, there is going to be a sequel which was announed during the movie, and next time it will be in N.Y. I just can't see how wildly popular this film got in not even a week.

I give, Sharknado, 1.5/10

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