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Wednesday, August 31, 2011


A new criminal is on the rise in the great city of, Gotham. Jack Napier is only 2nd in command, but after being sent to a chemical plant to get something, he was tricked in to going as the cops have a shoot to kill on him. When Batman and Jack have a little fight, Jack falls as Batman was unable to save him, and Jack falls into a pool of what looks like green acid. Afterwards, Vicki Vale is sent on the mission to investigate a "Batman" going around saving people and tying criminals up. Soon Vicki goes to a party held by, Bruce Wayne, the two meet and start to like each other. Not long after Gotham City learns about a criminal who wants to be number 1, his name is, The Joker. Joker soon taints a whole bunch of random shampoo/lipstick/hairspray containers to make people look like him, and kill them. Batman's new mission is to try to find this Joker and stop him from killing the city.

This was a very entertaining Batman film. Was very dark, and the first Batman film to be dark. Which just made it near perfect, and one of the best Batman films out there!

Acting couldn't of been any better, Micheal Keaton as Batman was just a perfect match, he really did pull off the, bad ass, but a millionaire playboy at the same time. Jack Nicholson couldn't of played, The Joker any better, and is still my favorite Joker to watch on screen, as he's the first to be it on a big screen.

Soundtrack was done by who better, Danny Elfman. He makes some of the best soundtracks ever! Really creating a perfect, Super-Hero soundtrack and giving a new darker yet awesome theme song.

Would talk about the CGI, but there really wasn't much CGI, but the special effects were just amazing! Seeing Gotham City huge the way it was, was amazing. Watching Batman fly around in the Batplane was awesome to see. Even though that scene was only a few minutes.

This film was also criticized of being "to dark". As this was the first Batman film to be very dark and gritty, everyone was used to the 60's dorky yet awesome Batman show, so I could see how people would think it's to dark and different, but I think the darker a Super-Hero film is, the better it may be. 

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Rise of the Planet of the Apes

I know, this is kind of late, being released a few weeks ago, BUT, i did see the day after it came out in theaters, I just was really busy.

Will Rodman is a scientist working at Gen-Sys who is trying to create the cure to Alzheimer's disease. He uses monkeys to test on. After testing on one chimp, who's IQ surpassed there expectations, the monkey ended up getting out of control the same day Will was supposed to show off how good the drug works, they ended up killing the monkey, and all other ones.The same monkey gave birth to a small little chimp, Will named him, Caesar. Will now is raising Caesar as a human. Will finds out that Caesar has the same drug they used on his mother in his genes, which makes him far more intelligent than all other apes.Will begins testing on a new formula to perfect it, and begin trials on humans, more specifically, his father. Charles Rodman is Will's father, and to Will's surprise, he gets better. Caesar ends up getting put in a monkey jail if you will, due to his outburst of anger toward one of Will's neighbors. Eventually Caesar escapes and brings back to all the other apes the formula to make them smarter and create a ape army.

What a fantastic film! The acting was very good, especially Andy Serkis's performance of, Caesar.The CGI was just amazing, the apes looked so real it was hard to tell that they were actually CGI. 

The soundtrack was amazing as-well, keeping the flow of the film, just a good soundtrack. Now, at first I thought this was a prequel to, Planet of the Apes, which I thought it was for awhile, until I read online that this doesn't really follow Planet of the Apes, very close, but not.

This film does leave is open to a few sequels which, in time, will happen. There plan was to reboot the Apes films, using CGI apes rather than people in Ape costumes. I am a big fan of the original films, and just loved how real it was and how it could actually happen if people let science get to out of control. Almost like a warning, of the ape kind.

This film really should not be missed, especially if you loved the original films, and was curious to see it with CGI apes. 

I give, Rise of the Planet of the Apes. 9/10 

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Cowboys And Aliens

Jack is a wanted outlaw, only problem is, he can't remember anything about the last few weeks. He wakes up in the desert very confused and found there's some kind of metal thing attached to his wrist. A few cowboys decide to bring him in, and get the reward, only he beat them all up, took there cloths and guns, and rode on horseback to the nearest town. When, Jack gets to town, it doesn't take long before trouble begins, he ends up beating up, Percy Dolarhyde, the son of a powerful person. The towns people find out who he is, and put him away in a jail cart thing. Colonel Woodrow Dolarhyde finds that his son has been arrested and tries to get him out. Right before the horse is about to take off, everyone notices weird flying objects in the sky and start bombing the town, and capturing people with long robotic arms. Jack escapes and uses his, metal device to shoot down the flying objects. The town arranges a team of people who decide to go after the ships, and get there people back. Jack still not knowing who he is, agree's to go with him to avoid getting arrested. After a few days of riding through the desert, they find a huge ship that has been upside in the middle of a desert. They decide to camp out in there for the night, only to wrestle an alien that's around 8 feet tall. When they leave, they find the alien's base of operation, something that's around 400 feet tall. They plan to blow it up, and try to gather the people that were captured. 

This is actually my first western film I have really ever seen, and of course when I do see one, there's aliens it in. This film was very epic. The acting was very good, and the soundtrack was the best so far. Story was fairly strong, being cowboys VS aliens, which was I think, the first in it's genre! 

The effects in the film were very good. Everything was good. Explosions/UFO's were very good looking. I only do wish that the aliens in the film looked more real, they kind of looked like CGI, not so much real, but still very good looking. 

This film does create a whole new genre of films. I could see other filmmakers do other type of film like this, but not the same, obviously. I'm just surpirsed it took this long for this kind of a film, but then, not really. This film did have alot of good actors that I just love. Daniel Craig is in my top favorite actors,  loved him as 007. Harrison Ford, just helps even sell this film more! Olivia Wilde was very good aswell, playing a ha! knew it kind of part. And just a whole bunch of other actors that you didn't know were in it till you see it. 

I give, Cowboys and Aliens, 8/10

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The Number 23

Walter is living kind of a dull life, but, he does have a wife, and a kid, on top of that, he is a dog catcher. When he and his wife are at a local book shop, his wife picks out the book, The Number 23, for Walters birthday. Walter soon really enjoys the book and starts to realize that the book and him, have a lot in common. He tries to track down the author, but no luck. He starts to have an obsession with the book, and now starts to see the number "23" everywhere he goes, weather it be, house number, or anything. He then starts to think that the book, is about him. The number 23 starts to eat away at him, and destroy his life. After consulting a doctor about it, he tells him it's nothing and just ignore it. Walter's wife finally after being nearly killed, tells him that he wrote the book, and the events in the book actually did happen, just a little embellished. He found that he had a whole other life, that after he tried killing himself, he lost his memory and started over.

This was a fairly decent film, despite what the critics say, I think we all know the phrase " Fuck what the critics have to say" don't we?.

This does mark the first time, Jim Carrey was in something other than comedy, and it wasn't that bad. Just wasn't the best film of his either.

Acting was ok, the actors/actress's you would actually recognize. The soundtrack was decent, with like a, crime/thriller style, wasn't the worst.

The premise of the film is revolving around the number, "23" which means say, on the 23 day something good or bad may happen if the number is haunting you. There are many stories revolving around it, and most are interesting to read. Makes you think if it's real, or just a bad coincidence.

All and all, this really wasn't that bad of a film. Just have to not think to hard about it.

I give, The Number 23, 6/10

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The Butterfly Effect 2

Nick is out at a camp/beach with his friends on the weekend for fun and what not. Nick gets a phone call about his job, which makes them all have to leave. While driving back, Nick slightly looses control of the car, right when they stop, a big semi slams into the car, killing all four people but, Nick. After being in the hospital for weeks, he gets to return home. Nick sees some old pictures from that night, after staring at it for a minute, weird things happen, and he transports himself to that night everyone died. He tries changing that night, well, it worked. He also goes back to change the outcome of his work, to help himself get promoted and get someone fired just selfish things. When things just start to not work right anymore, he goes back one last time to the night everyone died, to change things one last time.

Well, this was just an, "ok" film. This film didn't add anything new to the concept that the first already didn't. The acting was actually fairly crappy. Not one actor/actress in it, i recognized. Which doesn't help it at all.

The effects were pretty dull compared to the first one, he did get the nose bleed's to, but, just kind of sucked. Unlike the first one, this guy goes back to help change his past for personal gain, and that's it, which made me not like him so much as the first film. He was very much selfish.

The only thing I really liked, was the fact that this was another Butterfly Effect film, and I love the theory of it all, but this one just sucked alot.

I give, Butterfly Effect 2. 5/10

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The Butterfly Effect

After going through a pretty messed up childhood, which included, killing, child pornography, a ton of fighting and a crazy father, Evan has to ( at around 10 ) write down memories as he tends to black out alot, and forgets the last hour or so. Jump to his mid 20's and now he's doing perfect in college and went nearly 10 years without having a blackout. After hooking up with a chick, she makes him read a memory from one of his diary books. After reading some of it, things get weird, and he blacks out, and gets a bad nose bleed. After wondering what all went down, he went on reading it by himself, and found that he has the power to read his own memory and go back to the past ( for who knows how long ) and change it, to make it better. Each time he does this, something drastic happens, whether it be, the loss of this arms, the changing of a friends behavior, or the death of a very close loved one. He goes back to try to fix things, only to find that you fix one thing, and something else happens.

Well, the film might of been a little slow in the beginning, but damn, was this an epic film. Acting was at it's finest from all that were in the film. The story was so strong, I had wished there was another hour, just to show more of Evan trying to fix his past and future. The whole concept of going back to change one thing and break another is very strong in this film, hence the name.

The effects in the film were very slim, but there were some, mainly seeing the lead breaking from his world and going back to his kid self, or teenage self. There were 2 other actors that played Evan, one when he's around 8 the other around 16, both looking very much like Kutcher. They did a very good job and finding the kid actors to look like the older self.

The plot may be shorter since I didn't really want to spoil to much, since a ton of stuff went on that ( to me ) would be to much of a spoiler.

This film did spawn 2 sequels. But not one following the previous one, and well, not nearly as good as this one.

I give, Butterfly Effect. 8/10

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