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Wednesday, August 31, 2011


A new criminal is on the rise in the great city of, Gotham. Jack Napier is only 2nd in command, but after being sent to a chemical plant to get something, he was tricked in to going as the cops have a shoot to kill on him. When Batman and Jack have a little fight, Jack falls as Batman was unable to save him, and Jack falls into a pool of what looks like green acid. Afterwards, Vicki Vale is sent on the mission to investigate a "Batman" going around saving people and tying criminals up. Soon Vicki goes to a party held by, Bruce Wayne, the two meet and start to like each other. Not long after Gotham City learns about a criminal who wants to be number 1, his name is, The Joker. Joker soon taints a whole bunch of random shampoo/lipstick/hairspray containers to make people look like him, and kill them. Batman's new mission is to try to find this Joker and stop him from killing the city.

This was a very entertaining Batman film. Was very dark, and the first Batman film to be dark. Which just made it near perfect, and one of the best Batman films out there!

Acting couldn't of been any better, Micheal Keaton as Batman was just a perfect match, he really did pull off the, bad ass, but a millionaire playboy at the same time. Jack Nicholson couldn't of played, The Joker any better, and is still my favorite Joker to watch on screen, as he's the first to be it on a big screen.

Soundtrack was done by who better, Danny Elfman. He makes some of the best soundtracks ever! Really creating a perfect, Super-Hero soundtrack and giving a new darker yet awesome theme song.

Would talk about the CGI, but there really wasn't much CGI, but the special effects were just amazing! Seeing Gotham City huge the way it was, was amazing. Watching Batman fly around in the Batplane was awesome to see. Even though that scene was only a few minutes.

This film was also criticized of being "to dark". As this was the first Batman film to be very dark and gritty, everyone was used to the 60's dorky yet awesome Batman show, so I could see how people would think it's to dark and different, but I think the darker a Super-Hero film is, the better it may be. 

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