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Thursday, August 11, 2011

The Number 23

Walter is living kind of a dull life, but, he does have a wife, and a kid, on top of that, he is a dog catcher. When he and his wife are at a local book shop, his wife picks out the book, The Number 23, for Walters birthday. Walter soon really enjoys the book and starts to realize that the book and him, have a lot in common. He tries to track down the author, but no luck. He starts to have an obsession with the book, and now starts to see the number "23" everywhere he goes, weather it be, house number, or anything. He then starts to think that the book, is about him. The number 23 starts to eat away at him, and destroy his life. After consulting a doctor about it, he tells him it's nothing and just ignore it. Walter's wife finally after being nearly killed, tells him that he wrote the book, and the events in the book actually did happen, just a little embellished. He found that he had a whole other life, that after he tried killing himself, he lost his memory and started over.

This was a fairly decent film, despite what the critics say, I think we all know the phrase " Fuck what the critics have to say" don't we?.

This does mark the first time, Jim Carrey was in something other than comedy, and it wasn't that bad. Just wasn't the best film of his either.

Acting was ok, the actors/actress's you would actually recognize. The soundtrack was decent, with like a, crime/thriller style, wasn't the worst.

The premise of the film is revolving around the number, "23" which means say, on the 23 day something good or bad may happen if the number is haunting you. There are many stories revolving around it, and most are interesting to read. Makes you think if it's real, or just a bad coincidence.

All and all, this really wasn't that bad of a film. Just have to not think to hard about it.

I give, The Number 23, 6/10

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