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Thursday, August 11, 2011

Cowboys And Aliens

Jack is a wanted outlaw, only problem is, he can't remember anything about the last few weeks. He wakes up in the desert very confused and found there's some kind of metal thing attached to his wrist. A few cowboys decide to bring him in, and get the reward, only he beat them all up, took there cloths and guns, and rode on horseback to the nearest town. When, Jack gets to town, it doesn't take long before trouble begins, he ends up beating up, Percy Dolarhyde, the son of a powerful person. The towns people find out who he is, and put him away in a jail cart thing. Colonel Woodrow Dolarhyde finds that his son has been arrested and tries to get him out. Right before the horse is about to take off, everyone notices weird flying objects in the sky and start bombing the town, and capturing people with long robotic arms. Jack escapes and uses his, metal device to shoot down the flying objects. The town arranges a team of people who decide to go after the ships, and get there people back. Jack still not knowing who he is, agree's to go with him to avoid getting arrested. After a few days of riding through the desert, they find a huge ship that has been upside in the middle of a desert. They decide to camp out in there for the night, only to wrestle an alien that's around 8 feet tall. When they leave, they find the alien's base of operation, something that's around 400 feet tall. They plan to blow it up, and try to gather the people that were captured. 

This is actually my first western film I have really ever seen, and of course when I do see one, there's aliens it in. This film was very epic. The acting was very good, and the soundtrack was the best so far. Story was fairly strong, being cowboys VS aliens, which was I think, the first in it's genre! 

The effects in the film were very good. Everything was good. Explosions/UFO's were very good looking. I only do wish that the aliens in the film looked more real, they kind of looked like CGI, not so much real, but still very good looking. 

This film does create a whole new genre of films. I could see other filmmakers do other type of film like this, but not the same, obviously. I'm just surpirsed it took this long for this kind of a film, but then, not really. This film did have alot of good actors that I just love. Daniel Craig is in my top favorite actors,  loved him as 007. Harrison Ford, just helps even sell this film more! Olivia Wilde was very good aswell, playing a ha! knew it kind of part. And just a whole bunch of other actors that you didn't know were in it till you see it. 

I give, Cowboys and Aliens, 8/10

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