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Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Rise of the Planet of the Apes

I know, this is kind of late, being released a few weeks ago, BUT, i did see the day after it came out in theaters, I just was really busy.

Will Rodman is a scientist working at Gen-Sys who is trying to create the cure to Alzheimer's disease. He uses monkeys to test on. After testing on one chimp, who's IQ surpassed there expectations, the monkey ended up getting out of control the same day Will was supposed to show off how good the drug works, they ended up killing the monkey, and all other ones.The same monkey gave birth to a small little chimp, Will named him, Caesar. Will now is raising Caesar as a human. Will finds out that Caesar has the same drug they used on his mother in his genes, which makes him far more intelligent than all other apes.Will begins testing on a new formula to perfect it, and begin trials on humans, more specifically, his father. Charles Rodman is Will's father, and to Will's surprise, he gets better. Caesar ends up getting put in a monkey jail if you will, due to his outburst of anger toward one of Will's neighbors. Eventually Caesar escapes and brings back to all the other apes the formula to make them smarter and create a ape army.

What a fantastic film! The acting was very good, especially Andy Serkis's performance of, Caesar.The CGI was just amazing, the apes looked so real it was hard to tell that they were actually CGI. 

The soundtrack was amazing as-well, keeping the flow of the film, just a good soundtrack. Now, at first I thought this was a prequel to, Planet of the Apes, which I thought it was for awhile, until I read online that this doesn't really follow Planet of the Apes, very close, but not.

This film does leave is open to a few sequels which, in time, will happen. There plan was to reboot the Apes films, using CGI apes rather than people in Ape costumes. I am a big fan of the original films, and just loved how real it was and how it could actually happen if people let science get to out of control. Almost like a warning, of the ape kind.

This film really should not be missed, especially if you loved the original films, and was curious to see it with CGI apes. 

I give, Rise of the Planet of the Apes. 9/10 

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