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Wednesday, June 16, 2010

The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus

Wow, this movie was really really...different! But not in a bad way, but in an awesome weird way!

This movie is about a guy named Tony that is left for dead, who then meets up with a travailing side-show called "The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus " then Tony travels with them to help them earn money and become or popular. Only to learn that a "mirror" is a portal if you will, to the Doctors head, that can make you see what you want to see. When Tony goes through this mirror, he becomes a different person with a different personality, then when he comes out of the mirror he is normal Tony.

Johnny Depp plays Tony#2, Jude Law plays Tony#3 Colin Farrell plays #4. I really didn't this this movie was going to be that good, because Heath died little more than half way through. But i think that with the help of three amazing actors to help glue this movie together, they did a fantastic job.

The effects in the movie are just, weird and amazing at the same time. Better looking effects than other movies. This movie is somewhat colorful then it gets kind of dreary and dark.

This movie is not for everyone, but if you want to see Heath's last movie, then you must. It certainly did please and made me glad they made it perfect.

My final score is a nice 8/10 Nice effects and an awesome story.

Review coming _-Matrix Trilogy_- 

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