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Thursday, June 10, 2010

Prince of Persia: The Sand of Time

This isnt the 4th bonus review, just the other i totally forgot to go last weekend.

Prince of Persia is heavily based on the widely popular and one of my favorite games Prince of Persia, finally the video game gets a movie. For years ive wanted a movie, and now the time is here. And now the review.

Prince of Persia is about the tale of Dastan  an orphan boy who is very gifted, who then gets the attention of the king, and decided to take him in as one of his own, hence he's a prince. Soon when he's an adult he is now leading armys to get there weapons and get stronger. Only to then find a special dagger that can control time with special sand inside of it.

Later on he then learns his uncle wants to dagger to go back in time and kill his brother so he is never to be king, so he can be king, Now Dastan has to keep safe the dagger and protect.

The effects in this movie are just wow, it is a little over the top CGI, but this is a big movie, not as big as say Pirates of the Caribbean, but up there with it.

The actors in this movie did a pretty good at portraying the characters, for once this video game based movie is actually worth watching and ill have to buy it when its out on blu ray!

The story is a little off from the video game, but they had to twist it to make into movie form. But it is very close to the VG.

The way that got Jake Gyllenhaal to look like Prince Dastan was awesome, he almost looked identical to the VG version of him. Everyone in the movie did a very good job at looking like the VG.

After this movie is by Jerry Bruckheimer so its going to be big, and heavily based on story and awesome CGI, and makes you wanted a sequel.

Alot of people are saying this is the "new" Pirates of the Caribbean, but that's bull shit. They are two completely different stories, in two whole different times.

This movie did kind of leave it open at the end for a part 2, which is good, cause there like 5 games. And i hope they make a part 2 cause i love the movie, and love the games even more.

If you havent seen the movie yet, id so go see it, cause there is a ton of awesome effects that will make you go OMG thats awesome.

My final Score is a nice 7/10 Some more back story would have been nice, and the CGI was very good, but more isnt bad.

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