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Thursday, June 10, 2010

Shutter Island

Oh my! Whats This? Another bonus review, Well, yes it is. This is actually 1 of 4 bonus reviews coming out boom, boom, boom. I rented four movies last night, and so far watched 3 out of 4 so ive been busy watching movies.  Here i go.

Shutter island is about a Detective and his partner going to a island to figure out where a missing person is, only to discover there is no missing person and everything is a lie. Yes i really thought this movie was a dream...

Well the plot was my opinions.

This movie was very well done, the acting was very good, the story kept having some weird plot-twists every like 30mins. The Movie was 2hrs and 20mins, so kinda long, but it was not dull and boring quite the opposite. Every actor in the movie did a really really good job and drawing you in and telling a story only to twist it and make you go, WTF did i just watch.

Yes when i got done watching the movie, my mind was still trying to process what i just watched. But i was very impressed with the movie.

I really thought it was going to be a run-in-the-mill horror movie, but it is a weird detective story, the whole thing was just plain weird. The ending of the movie will make you go, WHAT? but it all made perfect sense, well not at first, but once you put all the pieces together then it will.

I was going to see this movie in Theaters, but figured maybe its a rent movie. And it kind of is, but not as well.

This movie is completely worth watching. You will get lost/confused/a little scared/ but mainly confused.

My final score for Shutter Island is a nice 9/10 yes it was that good.

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