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Thursday, June 10, 2010

The Road

Here is bonus review #2. And it is a good one to.

The Road is a tale about a father and son going through the states to do down south to get free. Somewhat. On there way there they encounter murderers/cannibals/weird people/bad people/and somewhat good people/but mainly bad people. They run and hide and try to find shelter to make it though the night, and try not to get killed or ...eaten.

This movie was extremely dark and very depressing, but very good at the same time. This isn't the most colorful movie, it almost looked black and white, but its not. There is some kind of world disaster that happens, which turns everyone into savages and kill everything and everyone, even eat there own people, which was kinda sick to me.

The Acting in this move was just so good, i thought i was watching real people try to survive in a post-Apocalypse world. It was that good.

Most of this movie was green screen, but thats fine, it was done so good, i almost didnt even notice. till i saw the making of.

During the movie i was trying to figure out how its going to end, either both dying or finding freedom something like that. When it did end it actually brought a tear to my eye, yes the ending was very good, and sad at the same time.

The director of this movie also directing the movie There will be blood, and that movie kicked ass.

If you havent seen this movie, what are you waiting for, SEE IT.

My final score for the movie is, 9/10 very dark and sad movie, but i loved it.

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