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Thursday, December 1, 2011

The Darjeeling Limited

Francis Whitman has called his brothers to meet him on a secret mission that will challenge them in every way. Peter and Jack Whitman start to get a little confused as to what his plains are, but just go along anyways. Jack has a slight fling with a cute Indian girl on a train, while on the train Peter tries to get rid of massive headaches, and Francis is getting in info from a friend that no one has met. Soon along the train ride, it becomes clear that Francis mission is getting his brothers to go see there mother who became a nun in India. All along there travels through various parts of India, they buy a very poisonous snake, some very strong pepper-spray. They encounter some kids trying to cross a river with strong current, and kids fall in, and they race to save them. There adventure continues and they finally arrive to see there Mother.

What an odd film, but pretty good. All the acting was pretty good, with a decent story that keeps you wondering where the film is going until the one reveals his intent.

Soundtrack to the film was mainly just Indian music, which sounded pretty good, some of it being the disco sounding music which still sounded good.

During the film, you see various parts of India, so you got to see many, many part of the country. Very nice looking country.

The plot to the film was very good, leaving you the mystery of what the hell is the film about, till around an hour in, not a bad thing, kept my attention. Film had just enough twists and turns to make this a wonderful film. As part of a feature, they included the short film, Hotel Chevalier, which is only around 15 minutes long, and tells the story of, Jack Whitman staying at a hotel, and suddenly gets a surprise call from fling, or lover, Natalie Portman, in the short film they didn't give her a name. Takes place in 24 hours and it's just Jack and the girl spending the night together and having fun. Then the film starts.

They did play the short film right before the film in festivals, then it was available on i-Tunes then removed from i-Tunes, to play the short film in a theatrical release. 

Overall this film was done very good with good acting, decent plot and a good soundtrack.

I give, The Darjeeling Limited. _7/10_

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